This fellowship was given by Minoru Chen in Irvine on October 14, 2010. Here are some of the striking quotes from the message:

“I have a burden that the young working saints in the Lord’s recovery would go deeper, would go higher, and would refuse to remain in the same place year after year.”

“If this is God’s best, this thing called the Lord’s recovery is really God’s best, it is illogical that I would not hand over everything to it.”

“How many of you have knelt down and pounded your bed (so to speak) with desperation? And even with tears, not because you had a bad day, not because a certain tragedy happened, not at all. You are just there so hungry, so intently seeking the Lord and His interest, His heart.”

“You are so tired you just want to crawl into bed and sometimes you are so disgusted with yourself, so discouraged you want to find a hole and just get into it and say goodbye to everybody. Somehow, something in there will refuse to let you go that way. You still get up one more time. You still crawl back. You still are in the fight. That motivation is not human.”

“In shallow waters you can walk, by your own strength, you can handle everything yourself. But when we are really in the deep, faith kicks in. ”

“But let me ask you brothers and sisters, when will your moment be? When will your time be? To pick up the sword- so to speak- pick up the shield to fight for God’s interest on the earth? You ask me, I will tell you, now. Now!”

Click on the audio player to listen to the message here online.


Right click here to download the message.

We have also prepared a transcript of this message. We have attempted to eliminate obvious errors, but this is an unedited transcript. It has not been edited in a systematic way and has not been reviewed by the speaker. Click here to download the transcript.

One Response

  1. Wonderful and spiritually motivating for all saints. Lord make me an overcomer. Give me such a heart and desire for your purpose.

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