"And He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised."

The Backbone of the Church
"The working saints are the backbone of the church. When a man has trouble with his backbone, his whole body is in trouble. The older folks are especially careful to protect their backbones. The backbone is a very important part of a man’s body. In the same way the working saints are very important in the new way in the Lord’s recovery."

-Witness Lee
LivingToHim's Function
  1. Provide a platform of mutual encouragement among many of the working saints through personal testimonies
  2. To supply the working saints in the Lord's recovery with the ministry of the word
  3. To activate them to participate in the Lord's up-to-date move by praying, giving, and going or by serving practically in the work.
Help Serve?
Currently, the LivingtoHim platform is maintained by a group of working brothers from various localities in coordination with many other saints from among the churches.

If you would like to volunteer to serve with LivingtoHim, please email us at livingtohim@gmail.com.
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