What should our view be regarding the eldership in the churches?

We need to exercise particular care to have a balanced understanding of the Bible’s teaching on authority. On the one hand, the Lord Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18). On the other hand, in His Body He raises up men to work together with Him among the churches, and He […]

What should our response be in the midst of turmoil?

The book of Philippians shows us the great need that believers have in times of turmoil. The church in Philippi was a very good church that participated with the apostle Paul in the furtherance of the gospel (Phil. 1:5-7; 4:14-19). However, it had two problems—Judaizers who sought to bring the believers back under the bondage […]

Does the leadership in the Lord’s Recovery hide history?

In the Lord’s recovery we do not hide our history. Rather, our practice is to examine our history, learn the lessons that can be derived from that history, and pass those lessons on to succeeding generations. In doing so, exposing division, wrongdoing, false teachings, and injurious practices among former workers is unavoidable. This is consistent […]

What should our attitude be concerning suicide?

Death does not resolve any problems in our relationship with God. This is true of the death of unbelievers as well as believers. For unbelievers death terminates their opportunity to receive God’s salvation, while for believers it puts an end to their opportunity in this age to turn their hearts back to God and so […]