Dealing with the Self

In Matthew 16 we have the revelation of the Christ, the Son of the living God (v. 16). In the same chapter, we also have the revelation of the self, seen in the expression of Peter’s opinion (vv. 21-23).  After the Lord told His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and die, he was […]

The Glory of God (2): Released through Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection

The incarnated Christ, as the embodiment of the Triune God, concealed the divine glory within the shell of His humanity (John 12:24; Col. 2:9; Phil. 2:6-8; see Part 1 here). As a man in the flesh, Christ longed and prayed for the divine glory within Him to be released through His death and resurrection (Luke […]

The Purpose of the Life of God

Our God is a God of purpose, and His divine life which is indwelling us is therefore a purposeful life (Rom. 8:28; Eph. 1:11, 3:11). The purpose of the divine life is not merely to make our lives better or happier, as some have supposed; rather it is much deeper, higher, and richer (John 10:10). […]

Southeast US Blending Conference – March 2014 with Brother Ron Kangas

Outlines and audio files for the blending conference held in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of the month of March 2014 can be found at the link below.   The conference is entitled EXPERIENCING THE TRIUNE GOD—THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB—TO BECOME THE ISRAEL OF GOD, THE CHURCH IN THE TRIUNE GOD Blending Conference […]

Christ as the Bronze Serpent

In John 3:14 the Lord Jesus reveals that the bronze serpent, which was the way of salvation for the children of Israel in Numbers 21:4-9, is a type of Himself. Because the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses, God sent serpents which bit them, causing many to die. After their repentance, Moses made […]

Redemption from the Vain Manner of Life

First Peter 1:18-19 says, “You were redeemed from your vain manner of life handed down from your fathers…with precious blood, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ.” These verses reveal that God’s chosen people were redeemed not only from sins but also from their vain manner of life handed […]

Avoiding the Influence of Judaism in the Church Today (1) – The Temple

As believers in Christ, we face many challenges in our walk with Him. One of these challenges is the tendency to drift away from the living person of Christ into the old things of religion. In particular we tend to be unconsciously influenced by elements of Judaism, which is based on things given by God […]

Growing up Into Him in All Things

God the Father desires that all of the believers, as His children, would not remain babes but would grow in Christ to match Him in life, nature, expression, and function (John 1:12-13; Eph. 4:14; 1 Pet. 2:2). The issue of this growth is that the believers corporately arrive at a “full-grown man, at the measure […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Message 120

In message 120 we come to the final message in the Life-study of Genesis and thus the final message on the reigning aspect of the matured Israel. As such, we come to the final aspect of Joseph being a type of Christ – His reigning. Joseph is a type of Christ during His reigning in […]