Why does it sometimes seem like there are generational rifts in the church?

If the younger ones do not receive from the older ones, the experiences gained and lessons learned will need to be repeated, and the advance of God’s move in His economy in and through His people will be seriously frustrated. Realizing this, Satan, the enemy of God and of God’s people, sows distrust and enmity […]

What does it mean in Deut 30:19 when Moses says, “therefore choose life?”

As we seek to follow our Lord to fully possess Christ as our good land to build God’s habitation and establish His kingdom, these words have great significance to us today. Moses’ charge was based on all that he recorded in the Pentateuch. That history included not only God’s glorious work among His people but […]

Does the leadership in the Lord’s Recovery hide history?

In the Lord’s recovery we do not hide our history. Rather, our practice is to examine our history, learn the lessons that can be derived from that history, and pass those lessons on to succeeding generations. In doing so, exposing division, wrongdoing, false teachings, and injurious practices among former workers is unavoidable. This is consistent […]

What should our attitude be concerning suicide?

Death does not resolve any problems in our relationship with God. This is true of the death of unbelievers as well as believers. For unbelievers death terminates their opportunity to receive God’s salvation, while for believers it puts an end to their opportunity in this age to turn their hearts back to God and so […]

What is the central line of the Bible?

In addition to the central line there are many supplemental points of truth in the Bible, including the types and the prophecies, and many outworkings of God’s economy in terms of practices, all of which should be understood and applied in light of the central line. Concerning these secondary matters there are divergent interpretations among […]

Is it wrong to allegorize the Bible?

The Bible is written in a marvelous way. Some words in the Bible are clear, direct teachings, but many are in the form of parables, of allegories, of pictures in words that are full of meaning. Those who argue that such things should not be interpreted cast aside the means by which God has chosen […]