New Website for Intercessory Prayer in North America

We would like to announce that the existing is being rebuilt. It will be a completely new site to help the saints in the churches in North America, especially those in the United States, persevere in daily intercessory prayer, and continue on from the 60 days of global 24-hour prayer that ended in May. The […]

Renewed Burden for GTCA 2020

Recently, there is a renewed burden for the Lord’s move to Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize America (GTCA), specifically with a view to strengthening the testimony of the Lord’s recovery in the heartland of America. Brother Witness Lee spoke a number of times regarding the importance of the United States, due to both its geographical location, […]

Ask, Seek, Knock

In the Gospels the Lord Jesus exemplifies a man of prayer. The way that He prayed and the way He taught His disciples to pray far exceed most believers’ concepts concerning prayer. Much prayer is common, asking God to take care of basic, human needs, but the Father knows our needs even before we ask […]

God’s Faithfulness and Our Perseverance in Prayer

God is faithful (1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; 2 Cor.1:18). This fact can be observed in His promise concerning the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15), His word that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood (9:15), and His limiting the time of captivity of the children of Israel in Babylon to seventy […]

The Principle of Prayer

The Spirit with our spirit is the essence of the Christian life (Rom. 8:16).  Day by day we need to be strengthened with power through the Spirit into our inner man [our spirit] so that Christ may make His home in our heart (Eph. 3:16-17a). Prayer is crucial to this experience, because when we pray […]

Working Saints Fellowship, Winter Training 2008

This is a meeting with the working saints during the 2008 Winter Training. It includes testimonies by working saints and fellowship by brother Andrew Yu. Click on the link to listen to the message, or right click to download (audio).

Seven Points of Vital Living – Andrew Yu & Gerald Chan (December 2007)

This message was given by Andrew Yu and Gerald Chan during a special fellowship time at the 2007 Winter Training in Anaheim to former trainees of the Full-Time Training. The burden of this fellowship is for all the young saints in the Lord’s recovery to be vitalized for a normal Christian life and service. In […]