Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 27-29

In message 27 of the Life-study of Genesis, we come to the third fall of man. The cause of the third fall is twofold. First, the evil spirits mingled with man – the fallen angels joined with man through illegal marriage. This caused a mixture within the human race, producing a being which the Bible […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 24-26

Messages 24, 25, and 26 of the Life-Study of Genesis continue to cover the second fall of man. Two main things are covered in these messages: the result of the second fall and the way to escape the second fall. The result of the second fall of man was an even greater curse than Adam experienced. […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 21-23

Message 21 of the Life-Study of Genesis continues with God’s dealing with man’s first fall. First, we see that God disciplined man with suffering primarily to restrict him for his own protection. Concerning the woman, God has ordained suffering in childbearing and the ruling of the husband. Concerning the man, God has ordained the ground […]

An Open Letter

On May 25th a new website was launched in response to the prevalent and false understanding of the local churches in the Lord’s recovery, Living Stream Ministry, and teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. The website, a wonderful resource for introducing the Lord’s recovery to new ones, answering questions from the community, promoting the gospel […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 6-8

This series of messages resumes the fellowship concerning the purpose of God’s restoration and further creation following the generation of the creatures in the sea, in the air, and on the earth. It is at this point in Genesis that a conference in the Godhead was held and man was generated as the center of […]