Testimony of A.H.

To those who, as Bro. Minoru referenced at the end of the special fellowship, take issue with “lack of equality” in the recovery–equal opportunity, as it were–I can, as a sister, testify that life in the recovery is full of opportunities, ordered by our Father’s hand–everything is the best it could be–for what? for our personal interests, […]

Testimony of Amy Chiang

My experience of growing up in the church life.  By the Lord’s mercy I was born into a family who is for Christ and the church. I grew up witnessing my parents living a normal church life in a small locality. For a few of my early years our family was the only family in […]

Testimony of Jennifer C.

“If we are faithless, He remains faithful.” (2 Tim. 2:13) “Two are better than one… For if they fall, the one will lift up his companion.” (Eccl. 4:9-10) In my Christian life, there have been “falls”, as well as multiple points of being “faithless”. I think I’m starting to see that this is a common […]

Testimony of Priya Small

I would like to share my experience of meeting with the Christians, or as the Bible mentions, “saints” (Acts 9:13) who meet as the church in Fairborn. A hymn that describes my experience goes like this, “We have found that meeting with the saints is the greatest joy on earth/’Tis by this our spirit never […]

Testimony of Milena Chen

I would like to give my testimony concerning my experience in the Lord’s recovery. Nine years ago, when I consecrated myself to serve the Lord with all my time and for as long as the Lord would allow me to, I not only consecrated myself to Him, but also to this ministry that opened the […]

Testimony of Benjamin Chen

At the end of my third term in the Full-Time Training in Anaheim, we sought as a term how to go on and with what attitude we should have going into our fourth term. In fellowship with a trainer, we were helped to view our fourth term as our entering into the good land, but […]

Final Reading Schedule for the Life-Study of Exodus

We would like to announce the final reading schedule for the Life-Study of Exodus, which will cover the messages relevant to the recent winter training in Anaheim (81-169), as well as the remaining messages in this Life-Study (170-185). Starting next Monday, January 18 we will continue our reading at a pace of three messages per week (calendar). […]

A Call to Prayer – 2015 National College Training (Video Included)

The 2015 National College Training (NCT) will begin Lord’s Day, July 12 (ending July 18). Saints in all the local churches in North America are urged to pray fervently for this unprecedented event in the Lord’s recovery in America. A total of 1,780 brothers and sisters, including 1,300 college-age saints and 480 serving ones will convene on the […]

2015 Southeast Blending Conference – Ron Kangas (AUDIO)

Available below is the link to the audio recordings and the printed outlines from the most recent Southeast Blending Conference in Atlanta, GA held in March with brother Ron Kangas. The subject of the conference was:  “These Men Who Have Upset the World Have Come Here Also”; The Person, Living, and Ministry of the God-Men […]

Southeast US Blending Conference – March 2014 with Brother Ron Kangas

Outlines and audio files for the blending conference held in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of the month of March 2014 can be found at the link below.   The conference is entitled EXPERIENCING THE TRIUNE GOD—THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB—TO BECOME THE ISRAEL OF GOD, THE CHURCH IN THE TRIUNE GOD Blending Conference […]