Testimony of the Lord’s Love, Grace, and Mercy

I did not grow up in the local churches, but was saved in 2016. I really thank the Lord for His abounding mercy that reached me and His preserving grace that sustains me. God is full love and full of mercy that captures me every day. As I love the Lord Jesus, He reveals to […]

Blending Conference with Ron Kangas in Northern California (December 2017)

Below are links to messages from a blending conference given by brother Ron Kangas in Northern California from December 1-3, 2017. This conference was based on Messages 1 and 8 of the 2017 Fall ITERO. The general subject is “The Purpose of God and the Economy of the Mystery.” The first two messages are on […]

The heart of our spiritual fathers toward us and how they have served us

What the older ones experienced was very effective in building up the younger ones; therefore, God could prepare from the second generation more than six hundred thousand men with a rich inheritance and strong background who were qualified to be formed into an army to fight for God’s kingdom. (Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life)

In the summer of 2015, I had a particular experience that left a lasting impression on me. That summer, there was a National College Training in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. The speaking brother had just given a message on consecration, and hundreds of college students had lined up to consecrate themselves to the Lord. At the very […]

Henna Cornell: I am grateful for my experiences in the wonderful church life

And He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised. 2 Cor. 5:15

I would like to join a number of my brothers and sisters to testify of my positive experience in the church life. Given this opportunity to consider my experience, my heart is full of thanksgiving for the care and shepherding I’ve received. I’d like to testify particularly of some sisters who have been positive patterns […]

My church life experience: how I was shepherded by the brothers and sisters

I can honestly say that the Lord has shepherded me through His saints in many ways and has brought me closer to Him through these precious ones.

I was born and raised in the church life by parents who really love the Lord and enjoy having brothers and sisters in their home. I have lived in 9 localities (cities with local churches) in 4 countries. I attended children’s meetings, young people’s meetings, and university student meetings. For those 22 years I was […]

My testimony regarding brother Witness Lee and the local churches

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the issues of life. Prov. 4:23

Greetings. My name is Sterling Byassee. I would like to give my personal testimony regarding knowing brother Witness Lee and his teachings, and the church life that we practice in the local churches throughout the earth. When I attended my first meeting with the church in Los Angeles, California, I heard brother Witness Lee ministering […]

Jeremy Mason: We Do Not Lose Heart

We do not lose heart.... 2 Cor. 4:16

In 2 Corinthians 4, both in verse one and again in verse sixteen, Paul states emphatically: We do not lose heart. In my prayer concerning the current situation many of us in the ‘working saints’ category are facing, I was led to 2 Corinthians, a book on the new covenant ministry and its ministers, and […]

ShepherdingWords.com: Addressing Rumors and Presenting the Truth

ShepherdingWords.com: Addressing Rumors and Presenting the Truth

We would like to announce the launch of a new website, ShepherdingWords.com, which contains articles written by the co-workers in North America addressing rumors that have arisen over the years regarding the local churches and the ministry of God’s word through Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. The enlightening articles and factual accounts on this site […]