My Sweet Experience of Growing up in the Church Life

My Sweet Experience of Growing up in the Church Life

One verse that I have really been appreciating is Matthew 20:16 – “Thus shall the last be first and the first last.” I grew up in the church in Chicago to a biracial couple: my mother is Chinese and came from the church in Manila, Philippines, and my dad was saved on the campus in […]

2019 Greater Boston Area Conference with Ron Kangas (Cambridge, MA)

Below are links to messages from a blending conference given by brother Ron Kangas in Cambridge, MA in September 2019, as well as a special “Question and Response” session for working saints. The general subject of the conference is “God’s Eternal Purpose Fulfilled and the Divine Economy Consummated by the Overcomers in the Recovered Church.” […]

My church life experience: how I was shepherded by the brothers and sisters

I can honestly say that the Lord has shepherded me through His saints in many ways and has brought me closer to Him through these precious ones.

I was born and raised in the church life by parents who really love the Lord and enjoy having brothers and sisters in their home. I have lived in 9 localities (cities with local churches) in 4 countries. I attended children’s meetings, young people’s meetings, and university student meetings. For those 22 years I was […]

Jeremy Mason: We Do Not Lose Heart

We do not lose heart.... 2 Cor. 4:16

In 2 Corinthians 4, both in verse one and again in verse sixteen, Paul states emphatically: We do not lose heart. In my prayer concerning the current situation many of us in the ‘working saints’ category are facing, I was led to 2 Corinthians, a book on the new covenant ministry and its ministers, and […]

Blending Conference with Ron Kangas in Cambridge, MA (November 2017)

Below are links to messages from a blending conference given by brother Ron Kangas in Cambridge, MA from November 3-5, 2017. In this conference brother Ron releases a particular, heavy, and intense burden that is for the entire recovery, regarding the one new man. Brother Ron is burdened that we would be brought on to […]

2015 Southeast Blending Conference – Ron Kangas (AUDIO)

Available below is the link to the audio recordings and the printed outlines from the most recent Southeast Blending Conference in Atlanta, GA held in March with brother Ron Kangas. The subject of the conference was:  “These Men Who Have Upset the World Have Come Here Also”; The Person, Living, and Ministry of the God-Men […]