Saints Affected by Recent Hurricanes in Honduras and Nicaragua

UPDATE: The giving through the church in Anaheim for the saints and churches affected by the recent hurricanes in Honduras and Nicaragua has been generous and sufficient. Following the example in Exodus 36:3-7, the brothers in Anaheim feel they should not continue to receive donations through Anaheim for this particular need (please see their letter […]

Urgent Need for the Lord’s Move in Europe and Africa

During the recent Memorial Day conference, two time-sensitive burdens were released regarding the Lord’s present move at the end of Message 5. These burdens open a wonderful way for all of the saints to actively enter into what the Lord is doing today by praying, giving, and going. May the Lord gain our hearts for His move on […]

An Urgent Need Regarding the Lord’s Move in Europe

During a Special Conference which took place over the weekend of February 17-19, the Lord released a very particular burden regarding His current move in Europe. The messages were based on two ministry books – The World Situation and God’s Move (1981) and The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move (1991), both of which are very […]