Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 18-20

In Message 18 we come to the first fall of man, which is recorded in Genesis chapter three. In order to see the significance of man’s first fall we need to consider the cause, the process, and the result. Outwardly, Satan, with his questioning of God’s Word, was the cause of man’s fall. However, the […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 15-17

In message 15, brother Witness Lee brings us to a marvelous opening up of the line of the divine life in the Scriptures. This line of life begins with Abel contacting God in God’s way, and continues with Seth and Enosh who called upon the name of the Lord, Enoch and Noah who walked with […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 12-14

Message 12 covers transformation for building in the flow of life. Transformation is a crucial word in the New Testament. In Genesis 2 we have creation and in Revelation 21 and 22 we have the building. In between is a long process of transformation during which a great deal of work must be done. We […]

An Open Letter

On May 25th a new website was launched in response to the prevalent and false understanding of the local churches in the Lord’s recovery, Living Stream Ministry, and teachings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. The website, a wonderful resource for introducing the Lord’s recovery to new ones, answering questions from the community, promoting the gospel […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 9-11

Last week we saw that the climax of Genesis 1, the ultimate consummation, was that God was expressed and represented. Based on this, we continued this week to see that: 1) God blessed man to be fruitful, 2) man and all other living creatures were satisfied, 3) everything was very good, and 5) God rested […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 6-8

This series of messages resumes the fellowship concerning the purpose of God’s restoration and further creation following the generation of the creatures in the sea, in the air, and on the earth. It is at this point in Genesis that a conference in the Godhead was held and man was generated as the center of […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 3-5

In this series of messages, the process by which God restored the earth and further created is unveiled. This process involved the coming of the Spirit, the coming of the Word of God, and the coming of light. By these three comings, the light was separated from the darkness, the waters under the expanse from […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 1-2

Praise the Lord for the book of Genesis! Praise the Lord for the Life-Study of Genesis! This week we began this reading program with messages 1 and 2. In message 1, Witness Lee explains how we should approach the Bible, which is the very breath of God (2 Tim. 3:16). Also, the Bible as the […]