Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 51-53

In message 51 of the Life-Study of Genesis, we see by example of Abraham’s glorious intercession concerning Lot, the principles of intercession. First, intercession must be according to God’s revelation. Abraham interceded for Lot because God revealed to him His intention concerning Sodom. For this to happen, however, Abraham needed to be dealt with, circumcised, […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 48-50

In message 48 of the Life-Study of Genesis we come to the unveiling of the divine title and the changing of human names for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. To properly understand this portion in Genesis 17, we must see that God’s purpose is to have a collective people be His expression and representation on […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 42-44

In message 42 of the Life-Study of Genesis, we come to Abraham’s experience of trials. Before this, Abraham had attained a high point in his experience of God at the place between Bethel and Ai (Gen. 12:8). Instead of remaining there, however, Abraham continued his journey southward. Therefore, when the famine came, Abraham moved into […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 36-38

Message 36 of the Life-Study of Genesis covers the fourth fall of man. This fall occurred at Babel when man built a city and a tower. Behind each of the four falls there was one common source – Satan. First, man fell from God’s presence to man’s conscience. Second, man fell from man’s conscience to […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 33-35

In message 33 of the Life-Study of Genesis we continue with the shadow of the church life in Genesis 8-9, yet covering a matter on the negative side – the failure of Noah, God’s deputy authority. After the flood, Noah certainly was under God’s blessing, being the leader on the new land and the father […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 30-32

In message 30 of the Life-Study of Genesis, we come to see the spiritual significance of Noah’s ark. First, the ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (6:15). These dimensions are composed of mainly the numbers 3 and 5, both of which signify the mingling of God and man, implying that […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 27-29

In message 27 of the Life-study of Genesis, we come to the third fall of man. The cause of the third fall is twofold. First, the evil spirits mingled with man – the fallen angels joined with man through illegal marriage. This caused a mixture within the human race, producing a being which the Bible […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 24-26

Messages 24, 25, and 26 of the Life-Study of Genesis continue to cover the second fall of man. Two main things are covered in these messages: the result of the second fall and the way to escape the second fall. The result of the second fall of man was an even greater curse than Adam experienced. […]

Resting with God and Working with Him according to the Principle of the Sabbath

Exodus 31:12–17 says: Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, Speak also to the children of Israel, saying, You shall surely keep My Sabbaths; for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am Jehovah who sanctifies you. Therefore you shall keep the Sabbath, for it is holy […]

Life-Study of Genesis: Messages 21-23

Message 21 of the Life-Study of Genesis continues with God’s dealing with man’s first fall. First, we see that God disciplined man with suffering primarily to restrict him for his own protection. Concerning the woman, God has ordained suffering in childbearing and the ruling of the husband. Concerning the man, God has ordained the ground […]