NYC Conference with Ed Marks on God’s Economy in Faith (April 2022)

Below are links to a virtual conference given by brother Ed Marks from April 23-24 in New York City. The general subject of the conference is “God’s Economy in Faith.” Message 1: Audio | Video | Outline Message 2: Audio | Video | Outline Message 3: Audio | Video | Outline Other languages: Spanish | Korean | Chinese These messages […]

Blending Conference with Ron Kangas in Melbourne, Australia (March 2020)

Below are links to messages given by brother Ron Kangas during a blending conference in Melbourne, Australia in March 2020, as well as a Questions & Response time. The general subject is “The Revelation of Christ in God’s Economy as Presented in Psalm 2.” God’s economy (Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4) is God’s plan […]

Blending Conference with Ron Kangas in Sydney, Australia (March 2020)

Below are links to messages given by brother Ron Kangas during a blending conference in Sydney, Australia in March 2020. The general subject of the conference is “God’s eternal purpose fulfilled and the divine economy consummated by the overcomers in the recovered church.” Before God created the universe, He had a purpose in doing so […]

2019 Greater Boston Area Conference with Ron Kangas (Cambridge, MA)

Below are links to messages from a blending conference given by brother Ron Kangas in Cambridge, MA in September 2019, as well as a special “Question and Response” session for working saints. The general subject of the conference is “God’s Eternal Purpose Fulfilled and the Divine Economy Consummated by the Overcomers in the Recovered Church.” […]

Appreciation of the leading brothers’ faithful speaking, with supporting verses

If you lay these things before the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which you have closely followed. 1 Timothy 4:6

A major factor which helped usher me into the church life years ago was the faithful speaking of the leading brothers in the Lord’s recovery, speaking which wasn’t tempered by current philosophies or by what was politically in vogue. Reflecting on the recent speaking in the training on Numbers gives me a fresh appreciation of […]

A Brief Overview of the Economy of God (Part I)

First Timothy 1:3-4 says, “I exhorted you…to remain in Ephesus in order that you might charge certain ones not to teach different things…which produce questionings rather than God’s economy, which is in faith.” The word economy here occupies an important place in the New Testament, and its use in this verse indicates that any teaching […]