Announcing a New Gospel Video and Spanish Version of Gospel.BFA.Org

We would like to let you know about two updates related to 1. There is a new gospel video called Jesus: The Real Solution to Our Problem, which is based on the BfA tract Only Jesus Can Heal You. This video illustrates how Jesus’ redeeming death is the real solution to our condition, and […]

GTCA Update 2016

This is a video recap of the 2016 GTCA Sowing Trips, originally posted on on April 6, 2016. [vsw id=”oFzzpQrQsB4″ source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]

Lost and Found: The Story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15 in the Bible

This is a YouTube tract put together by Bibles for America for the outreach of the gospel. We encourage you to check it out and pass it along to all those you are burdened for and whomever else you wish. If you like the video, please comment, give a “thumbs up” on YouTube, and share using Facebook […]