The Altars in Genesis (4) – The First Altar Built by Abraham: An Anti-Testimony

In a previous post we considered the altar that Noah built to Jehovah (link to post). We saw that Noah was a man who cared for God, but his descendants did not. Noah’s great-grandson, Nimrod, established the great city and kingdom of Babylon (Gen. 10:1, 6, 8, 10). Then, instead of exalting God, Nimrod’s descendants […]

The Faith that Justifies

In Romans 3, Paul discusses justification by faith, and in chapter 4 he presents Abraham as an example of one having such faith. Paul’s presentation concerning Abraham’s faith in Romans 4 is based on Genesis 15:6, which says, “He believed Jehovah, and He accounted it to him as righteousness.” Although the simple act of believing […]

The Good Land as a Type of the All-Inclusive Christ

Genesis 12:1 and 7 say, “Now Jehovah said to Abram, Go from your land and from your relatives and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you…And Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, To your seed I will give this land.” The land that God promised to Abraham and his seed […]