National College Training – Day 1 Update

          Date: Lord’s Day, July 12, 2015 Praise the Lord for a great beginning to the 2015 National College Training!  Yesterday, 1,697 college-age saints and serving ones arrived at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana in spirit on the Lord’s Day and registered for the 2015 National College Training. Those that […]

The Good Land – The Destruction of Jericho

When the children of Israel entered and took possession of the good land, the first city they took was Jericho. Prior to the destruction of this fortified city, Joshua saw a vision of the Captain of Jehovah’s army, the significance of which was discussed in a previous post (link to post). In this post, we […]

The Good Land – Christ as the Captain of Jehovah’s Army

As previously discussed, the good land was not gained by a single individual, but by a corporate people whom God raised up for the fulfillment of His purpose (link to post). In this post we will go on to see that God’s people were not formed into a leaderless army. Rather, they were led into […]

The Good Land – Taking Possession of the Land

In previous posts we saw that the good land is a type of the all-inclusive Christ (link to post), the goal of God’s calling for His people to enter the good land (link to post), and the way the children of Israel entered the good land by crossing the River Jordan (link to post). In […]

Video Testimonies of Migration: Fletchers (Parts 4-6)

This post contains Parts 4-6 of a 6-part series of videos where the Ray and Leone Fletcher share their experience of migrating to Europe. Parts 1-3 can be found here.     Part 4: Learning to Follow the Lord [vsw id=”mVWTrfKcXmI” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]   Part 5: Top Enjoyment in Migration [vsw id=”GWG_d8szCew” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ […]

Video Testimonies of Migration: Fletchers (Parts 1-3)

This post contains Parts 1-3 of a 6-part series of videos where the Ray and Leone Fletcher share their experience of migrating to Europe.     Part 1: Introduction [vsw id=”9yw4betNCD4″ source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]   Part 2: God’s Need and Our Benefit [vsw id=”9xeG8YoYzhA” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]   Part 3: Experience of Migration [vsw […]

The Burnt Offering Life

In Leviticus 1:9, God speaks of the burnt offering, one of the many offerings that the Israelites offered to Him: “…The priest shall burn the whole on the altar, as a burnt offering, an offering by fire, a satisfying fragrance to Jehovah.” This offering was wholly burnt on the altar; nothing was left for man […]

Entering into the Good Land – Crossing the River Jordan

Previously, we saw that the purpose of God’s calling is to bring His chosen people into the good land (Exo. 3:8; link to post), which is a type of the all-inclusive Christ (link to post). God’s chosen people left Egypt by means of the passover and the crossing of the Red Sea. After journeying through […]