How do we keep the oneness with our fellow believers?

Fundamentally, the church, as the unique Body of Christ, is one universally and includes every believer irrespective of time and space. Practically, this one universal Body of Christ is manifested in time and space in various cities as local churches. These local churches include every believer in that city at that time and also maintain […]

What is the Defense and Confirmation Project (DCP) ?

The Defense & Confirmation Project (DCP) was established to “defend and confirm the New Testament ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and the practice of the local churches.” This mission statement is based on Paul’s words in Philippians 1. In verse 7 he commended the Philippians, saying that “in the defense and confirmation of […]

What biblical principles are there concerning the fellowship of the co-workers?

In their fellowship, the co-workers exercise to practice three important biblical principles: (1) The contents of fellowship among the leading ones, whether among the elders or among the co-workers, should not be disclosed beyond that fellowship; (2) At the conclusion of such a fellowship, whatever the outcome, all the participants should speak the same thing […]

What is the proper way to exercise discipline in the church?

From time to time those who bear responsibility in the administration of a church must exercise a measure of discipline toward unruly members. The exercise of discipline takes as its goals restoring the erring members and protecting both the Lord’s testimony and the members of His Body. As with anything done in the Lord’s service, […]

What is the relationship between authority and fellowship?

The throne and the river should guide us in our practice of fellowship and help us to discern what is genuine spiritual authority. Some may claim a measure of spiritual authority, yet their way is not in the fellowship of the divine life and does not impart life. In extreme cases their assertions of authority […]

What should our view be regarding the eldership in the churches?

We need to exercise particular care to have a balanced understanding of the Bible’s teaching on authority. On the one hand, the Lord Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18). On the other hand, in His Body He raises up men to work together with Him among the churches, and He […]

How do we deal with the flaming darts of the evil one?

The flaming darts are the attacks from Satan that are not only accusation and condemnation in our conscience, but also intimidation toward our mind and innumerable darts coming into our being. Ultimately, Satan’s target is to undermine the building up of the church. According to Eph 6:16, the shield against these flaming darts is faith. […]

How can we discern dissenting speakings?

When we encounter brothers or sisters who are absolutely certain of their rightness, we should realize that such persons may simply be obsessed with their own opinions and want to impose them on others. We should learn to discern what is mere speculation and subjective opinion. Moreover, we should sense whether a speaking is according […]