The Need for the Working Saints

Submitted by: Ben Gallarda (Paris, France) In the book Messages Given to the Working Saints Brother Witness Lee states that “the working saints are the backbone of the church” (; #291). The context of this statement is a thorough discussion of the four steps of the God-ordained way and the participation by all the saints […]

On Patmos, In Spirit

“It is unfortunate that God’s children often misunderstand God’s ordained ‘Patmos.’”—Watchman Nee In a recent Wednesday ministry meeting, while commenting on the section of the good land being a land of wheat, Brother Ed Marks referred to a precious portion by Watchman Nee based on Revelation 1:9 : John was exiled to the island of […]

Walk with the Lord

Submitted by: David C (Houston, TX) Dear saints, I recently came across Hymn 788 which touched me very much. More than just beautiful poetry, this song describes an intimate walk with the Lord, from morning to evening. This is to have a running conversation with the Lord throughout the day and it’s actually to “pray […]

Living by Faith

Submitted by: Alex (Boston, MA) I was wondering if there were any articles related to living by faith, especially in the matters of finance. Chapter 9 in bro. Nee’s biography by bro. Lee ” Watchman Nee: A Seer of the Divine Revelation” was very impressive, but I was wondering if there were examples or testimonies […]


As working saints in the Lord’s recovery, we are pulled in every direction from the moment we get up in the morning. Whether it be preparing for a work presentation or shopping and cleaning the house for a group meeting, our time and energy are constantly being sapped. As our capacities and responsibilities increase over […]

Four Faces of Expressing Christ

Graduation season is upon us. Many saints will be leaving a familiar environment of the full-time training or college to start a new phase of life. A common concern for saints starting a job or graduate school program is how to relate to their new colleagues or classmates. Some may simply be worried about the […]

Serving the Lord Full-Time (2)

Romans 14:7-8: “For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself; for whether we live, we live to the Lord, and whether we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore whether we live or we die, we are the Lord’s.” After Brother Lee discusses who should be full-time in chapter 7 of […]

Serving the Lord Full-Time (1)

Many of us have a heart for the Lord and His recovery, but may be discouraged by our circumstances because we are “stuck” in school or work, while others are “freed” from these constraints to serve the Lord in a full-time way.  These thoughts often stem from the concept many of us share that only […]

It Is Possible By Being Grouped Together

Submitted by: NR (Puerto Rico) When I first heard that the God Ordained Way function even for a mom with four kids I was single and I said a big amen. But time has pass on and now I have 4 kids and a 60 to something hour job, and it’s possible not because we are […]

Stones for God’s building

And they said to one another, Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.  And they had brick for stone, and they had tar for mortar.  And they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens; and let us make a name for ourselves, lest […]