Stones for God’s building

And they said to one another, Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.  And they had brick for stone, and they had tar for mortar.  And they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens; and let us make a name for ourselves, lest […]

Seizing the Opportunity

Any student in a graduate program will tell you that they are busy. In addition to the demands of attending class, doing research, writing papers, and studying for tests, many have to take care of their wife, children, work, and matters of daily life.  While anyone in the world would be dismayed facing such a […]

Working in Egypt in Order to Plunder Egypt

“Although we work in the world, we do not work for the world. Instead, we work in the world for something that is not of the world.” (Witness Lee, Life-study of Exodus) Exodus 12:35-36 says, “And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses, and they asked the Egyptians for articles of silver […]

A Purposeful Education

As a continuation in the current line of posts regarding education, the following is Brother Witness Lee’s testimony regarding his realization of the purpose of his life and education (taken from A Blessed Human Life). We all need to make the best choice.  Even if a person becomes the president of a nation or the […]

An Education for the Spread of the Lord’s Recovery

Brother Witness Lee spoke many times about the importance of education.  However, as many of us pursue higher degrees and further training, we may begin to lose sight of why we set out to obtain such an education in the first place.  In A Blessed Human Life, Brother Witness Lee touches on these points and […]

Closing Our Eyes in Marriage

In his Messages for Building Up New Believers Watchman Nee provides a secret to a successful marriage–closing our eyes. He writes, “After a person is married, he should learn to close his eyes so that he does not see.” What does he mean by this? He explains that when two people are married and begin […]

A Balanced Marriage with God as the Center

How can we ensure that our marriage remains balanced and regulated? How can we keep our love for our husband or wife fresh? In The Bridge and Channel of God (ch. 7), Brother Witness Lee points us to the way–taking God as our center and allowing our love to pass through God. He writes, [Y]oung […]

Neighborhood Children’s Meeting in Los Angeles

Submitted by: V.H. (Los Angeles, CA) We have been having monthly neighborhood children’s meetings since January 2010. These gatherings are very precious and encouraging. They give us a way to contact families and neighbors whom might not otherwise be open to hearing the gospel. It also gives the wives, moms, and sisters among us a […]

Dealing with Pressure at Work

What do we do when the pressures of life seem to surround us? The answer, according to Brother Witness Lee, is to draw on God’s supply by faith. In Messages for Working Saints, Brother Witness Lee writes: I know that many working brothers and sisters, after finding a job, experience pressure from their boss, competition […]

Spending Time with Our Children

In chapter 6 of Crucial Elements of God’s Economy, someone asks Brother Witness Lee the following question: “How should I regulate my children concerning watching television and movies?” Brother Witness Lee’s answer is most helpful for those of us parents who struggle with this common issue. He begins by acknowledging that “because of the current […]