
Submitted by: A Sister (United Kingdom) Hi saints, I’m struggling a lot with independence and I find it so hard to go to people to ask for help. I know I should rely on the Body but whenever I have a problem, I trend to try to deal with it myself, mostly in my head, and […]

Knowing God’s Will

What is the will of God? This is a common question asked by believers. Many of us seek to know the will of God.  Specifically, we seek to know the will of God for our lives. What is the will of God for our education, our marriage, and our occupation? However, we must realize that […]

Neighborhood Childrens’ Meeting

Submitted by: R.S. (Olympia, WA) A couple of sisters recently started a neighborhood children’s meeting in the park in our locality (which recently was visited for GTCA). We are burdened that the Lord would use this to preserve this next generation for Himself and plants seeds in them for the rest of their life, and […]

Disciplining Our Children According to the Bible

Submitted by: Igor Savinkin (Moscow, Russia) And you have completely forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with sons, “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when reproved by Him; For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.” It is for […]

Fellowship on Europe Given to Medical Professionals at the 2012 Winter Training

UPDATE 6/7/2016: The links below no longer work and therefore were removed. Please contact “Lord’s Move to Europe” directly since these files were not hosted by Below is taken from the Lord’s Move to Europe webpage, with permission: “Although it was given to medical professionals, this fellowship is useful for all the saints who […]

The Lord’s Ultimate Move and the Urgent Need of Support by the Working Saints

“Some people are job-dropping full-timers and some are job-keeping full-timers. Every one of us should live entirely for the Lord’s interests on this earth. Although you have a job, you are still working for the Lord. This way depends on your taking what you have received from your job, aside from amply supplying the needs […]

In our life time…

Submitted by: R Enriquez (Anaheim) Dear Saints, there was a post from A.A. regarding giving ( The Lord impressed me in the last prayer meeting when we prayed for the finances needed TODAY in His Recovery. We can give material possessions to the Lord in our life time, the chance is now. After we die, […]

Fellowship Regarding Giving

Submitted by: A.A. (Cambridge, MA) It is always refreshing and encouraging to hear the Lord’s speaking concerning specific matters. In the course of my ministry reading I have been in the Life-Study of 2 Corinthians [by Witness Lee]. I happened to read Messages 46-49, which are about how we as believers receive grace to overcome the usurpation of temporal and uncertain […]

Be Encouraged, New Jerusalem!

Submitted by: Rosita Enriquez (Anaheim, CA) Hymn 453 in the Spanish hymn book is very encouraging. It’s not in the English hymn book but you can find it the Young people’s, #744. Yes, we are often wearied, the path is rough but Hallelujah new strength we regain when we think of New Jerusalem! O Lord […]

The Need for the Working Saints

Submitted by: Ben Gallarda (Paris, France) In the book Messages Given to the Working Saints Brother Witness Lee states that “the working saints are the backbone of the church” (; #291). The context of this statement is a thorough discussion of the four steps of the God-ordained way and the participation by all the saints […]