Vital Group Pulse Check

Questions that must be answered by all of us who love the Lord’s recovery, who desire to see the Lord’s recovery progress in its basic components, and who are giving themselves to carry on the Lord’s recovery: Are you part of a vital group and a functioning member? Do you exercise daily to start the […]

The Goal of God’s Economy

As young adults in the churches of the Lord’s recovery, sometimes we find ourselves wondering why we drag our tired bodies out of bed each morning, go about our day finishing endless tasks, chase after our little ones, and attend numerous meetings a week. We may ask, “What is the point of all these?” Eventually, […]

Praying More and Working Less

Submitted by: PR (Mississippi) About 2 years ago, my wife and I were seeking how to become vital and practice the God ordained way in our locality, which has no job-dropping serving ones, no major campus, very few young people, and about 40-50 saints. We prayed and began fellowshipping with a few saints over lunches […]

Vital Groups

Submitted by: Kyle Phillips (Irving, TX) I really enjoyed this from our Brother’s speaking. ———- In order to live this way; to meet the Lord’s present need. This is what we’re talking about–The Lords present need, the Lords need at this time, in this hour, at this season. We have to be people who know […]

Vital Companions

Submitted by: J.K. (Irvine, CA) What I am today is altogether due to the Lord’s merciful arrangement in giving me a vital companion to pursue Him and mutually share each other’s burdens with. Having been born into His recovery, I’ve been privileged to be under the Lord’s up-to-date speaking and ministry for my entire life, […]

Multiple Speakers, ITERO, April 2008

This recording contains fellowship given by several young adults, Andrew Yu, and brothers from Taiwan at the Spring 2008 ITERO. In this meeting a number of young adults or working saints gave their testimonies of how they endeavored to enter into a vital living. There are many obstacles that hinder us from having a vital […]