The Vital Groups for God’s Building

In this post we would like to consider the vital groups in light of Message 11 of the 2010 Winter Training, given by Ron Kangas, concerning God’s building. We must realize that the vital groups are not just for the vital groups. Rather, the vital groups must be the reality of the Body of Christ. […]

Three Testimonies from Alhambra

Submitted by: Chao-Chun Liu (Arcadia) Greetings from the church in Arcadia, CA! The churches in this region are very much endeavoring to enter into the practice of the vital grousp and I would like to share something new that I saw concerning the practice of the vital groups. Two points that particularly struck me are: […]

Intimate and Thorough

Once we have been grouped with one or two vital companions, often the tendency is to start talking about gospel contacts or discussing how to carry out a successful “home” meeting. The danger, however, is that we may overlook the matter of being blended through intimate and thorough fellowship. In Chapter 10 of “Fellowship Concerning […]

Contacting One Other

In the previous posts, we have emphasized over and over again that “a vital group can come into being only by a saint who is desperate and absolute for the increase of the Lord’s recovery. A vital group begins with one person. It does not begin with nine or ten persons; it begins with one […]

The Way to Become Vital – A Summary

In order to reach the vital groups as the reality of the Body of Christ, the Zion within Jerusalem, we need to be vitalized individually and grouped corporately. In three previous posts (“Becoming Vital: Step 2”, “I Am Not My Own”, and “Life or Death”), we have considered mainly the individual aspect which cannot be […]

Life or Death

“Some of the saints may take my word concerning the groups and attempt to practice it, but after a short time their practice may not have a positive result and they may become disappointed. The probable reason for their failure is that they did not labor… Merchants labor because they are desperate; that is their […]

It Is Possible By Being Grouped Together

Submitted by: NR (Puerto Rico) When I first heard that the God Ordained Way function even for a mom with four kids I was single and I said a big amen. But time has pass on and now I have 4 kids and a 60 to something hour job, and it’s possible not because we are […]

I Am Not My Own

In the two previous posts, “Vital Groups as the Basis of God’s Move in the Present Age” and “Becoming Vital: Step 2”, we have touched on the first two steps of becoming vital. Namely, they are 1) a thorough fellowship with the Lord and 2) a thorough confession. Just as a thorough fellowship with the […]

Becoming Vital: Step 2

One crucial element that is often overlooked in our pursuit of vitality is confession. Perhaps we don’t deem it necessary. Perhaps we think it’s just something “negative” we have to talk about. Perhaps we think occasional confessions will suffice. Whatever the reason may be, we all need to realize that confession is absolutely necessary for […]

Vital Groups as the Basis of God’s Move in the Present Age

It is clear from recent conferences and trainings that the Lord is burdened to move in North America through migration (see “GTCA” under the “God’s Move” tab). However, the basis of such a move must not merely be individual burdened saints. Rather, it must be the vital groups. In a recent fellowship, Brother Andrew Yu […]