2013 Full-Time Team Reunion – Austin, TX

The audio files of messages given at the 2013 full-time team reunion in Austin, Texas are available below. The messages are: Message 1 – The Privilege, The Need, and the Joy of Serving the Lord Full-Time Message 2 – Vital Groups – the Branches Loving One Another to Express the Divine Life in Fruit-Bearing Message […]

Teachers’ Training with Tom Goetz in Utrecht, NI (Nov. 2012)

On November 10-11, 2012, Brother Tom Goetz gave a series of messages based on the book “Teachers’ Training” by Witness Lee. These messages were given in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in preparation for the upcoming Winter School of the Truth in Europe. Even though they were given to a specific audience, this speaking is highly relevant […]

A Call to Prayer – A Letter From the Co-Workers in North America (Dec. 2012)

    From December 1 through 21, 2012, a special three-week prayer time of the local churches in the Lord’s recovery will take place. We urge as many saints as possible to deliberately separate themselves unto the ministry of prayer during that period of time. The Lord’s recovery has come to a point where strong […]

The Application of the Universal Oneness of the Spirit, Through the Exercise of the Mingled Spirit, to Bring in the One Accord, Issuing in a Harmonious Symphony, for the Building up of the Body of Christ, the Preparation of the Bride of Christ, and the Rich All-Excelling Mutual Enjoyment of the Father and His Many Sons in the Father’s House, the Church

Submitted by: D.W.B. (Irving, TX) The Body of Christ, the universal Church, needs the oneness. The churches, the universal Church locally, additionally need the one accord. Oneness is universal. All believers everywhere throughout all of time are one in the Father’s life; we and they share in the oneness of the Body of Christ. The […]

Changing our Concepts and Habits to Take the God-Ordained Way (Part 3)

“Our present need is to change our concept and our system. We must learn to serve and how to serve with others. This responsibility lies first with the co-workers and then with the elders. We have fellowshipped about this in the past, but in our practice we continued in our habits and disposition. As a […]

Changing our Concepts and Habits to Take the God-Ordained Way (Part 2)

“We must not keep things in our hands. We must be willing to hand things over to other saints and to teach them. Then those who are younger will be raised up by the Lord to be useful. Concerning this point, our concept must change, and our system must change.” (Shepherding the Church and Perfecting […]

Church Life in the Home by Andrew Yu (Diamond Bar, CA)

Submitted by: Chao-Chun Liu (Arcadia, CA) Dear brothers, Here are two fellowships in English from brother Andrew Yu on church life in the home. I strongly recommend them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5j2oF_4g3tPN1Znemh2Y3RXTW8/view?usp=sharing (Diamond Bar, 7/24/11) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5j2oF_4g3tPZU1iRUFoM2NxMU0/view?usp=sharing (Diamond Bar, 9/11/11) Much grace be with you, Chao [Links to the above messages were updated on 11/18/15.]

Brother Andrew’s message on “church life in the home”, 9/3/2011

Submitted by: Chao-Chun Liu (Arcadia, CA) Dear saints, Below is the link to brother Andrew Yu’s message on “church life in the home”, spoken to the seven churches in West San Gabriel Valley, California, on the evening of Sept. 3, 2011. https://s3.amazonaws.com/LocalConferences-submission/Open-home_WestValley_AY+(09-03-11).mp3 May the Lord recover the church life in the homes through us, Chao

Have you been drunk with wine?

Of course, this wine does not refer to the physical wine, since the apostle Paul explicitly charges us, “Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness.” However, he does exhort us to be drunk with another kind of wine: “But be filled in spirit.” As believers in Christ, we all should aspire to […]

The Vital Groups in Perspective

The recent International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) elaborated on the fellowship between Brother Witness Lee and the trainers of the full-time training in Anaheim, California in January 1996. This fellowship, the notes of which constituted the outline of message 1 of this recent ITERO, recalibrates our pursuit and consideration of the truths […]