The Prayer of the Recovered Church

At the beginning of each of the epistles to the seven churches in Revelation, the Lord tells us what kind of person He is, according to the condition of the church revealed in that particular epistle.  For instance, to the church in Sardis the Lord reveals Himself as the One who has the seven Spirits […]

Prayers on Behalf of Others

Submitted by: N. Smith (Raleigh, NC) Interceding on others behalf has become a large part of my prayer time. The Lord is really burdening me with the care for the going on of all the saints. Many have fallen away from the Lord but we need to see that they still have an eternal hook […]


Submitted by: B. Steele (Charlotte, NC) 1 Timothy 2:1 ” I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men.” Footnote 1-2 says “The Greek word denotes an approaching of God in a personal and confiding manner, i.e., an intervening, an interfering, before God in others’ affairs […]

Prayer With Companions/2s & 3s

Submitted by: Nyasha Tindall (New York, NY) With the prayer in the 2s and 3s, the Lord does superabundantly above what we ask or think! The center of my churchlife is the prayer in the 2s and 3s. Without this it would be difficult to go on and the Lord would not have a way […] is my homepage

Submitted by: D.L. In his fellowship in Los Angeles on March 29, brother Andrew suggested that we make our homepage. I did this about a week ago and this has been a wonderful experience! Now, whenever I turn my computer, the first news item of the day that I am exposed to is the […]

The beginning of something new

Submitted by: P.K. (Sacramento, CA) During a prophesying meeting a sister shared, If you cannot pray with someone, there is no one accord there. The Lord immediately pointed to one sister who I was closely related to but over time our relationship turned into just greeting one another after meetings. After much prayer, I called […]

Healthy prayer life

Submitted by: M.M. (Au) I was deeply impressed about the fellowship concerning prayer. I was on the train to work when I listened to the message and I couldnt hold back my tears. A saint testified how some sisters turn up to be prayer warriors in the Church. Their being intercessors are not known until […]

I am learning to pray with a companion regularly

Submitted by: J.K. (Anaheim, CA) I have been a Christian for more than a decade now. As a reflect on those many years, I can say without hesitation that my walk with the Lord has been full of ups and downs. It is only recently that I have started to pray with a companion regularly […]

Prayer for those who aren’t around

Submitted by J.S. (Austin, TX) The other day I had a brother over for breakfast. We were talking about different things and we began to consider many cases of younger brothers and sisters that aren’t meeting right now. One particular brother was the subject of the conversation for some time. This brother has attended the […]

Working Saints Fellowship, Winter Training 2008

This is a meeting with the working saints during the 2008 Winter Training. It includes testimonies by working saints and fellowship by brother Andrew Yu. Click on the link to listen to the message, or right click to download (audio).