National College Training – Day 1 Update

          Date: Lord’s Day, July 12, 2015 Praise the Lord for a great beginning to the 2015 National College Training!  Yesterday, 1,697 college-age saints and serving ones arrived at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana in spirit on the Lord’s Day and registered for the 2015 National College Training. Those that […]

A Call to Prayer – 2015 National College Training (Video Included)

The 2015 National College Training (NCT) will begin Lord’s Day, July 12 (ending July 18). Saints in all the local churches in North America are urged to pray fervently for this unprecedented event in the Lord’s recovery in America. A total of 1,780 brothers and sisters, including 1,300 college-age saints and 480 serving ones will convene on the […]

Ask, Seek, Knock

In the Gospels the Lord Jesus exemplifies a man of prayer. The way that He prayed and the way He taught His disciples to pray far exceed most believers’ concepts concerning prayer. Much prayer is common, asking God to take care of basic, human needs, but the Father knows our needs even before we ask […]

God’s Faithfulness and Our Perseverance in Prayer

God is faithful (1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; 2 Cor.1:18). This fact can be observed in His promise concerning the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15), His word that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood (9:15), and His limiting the time of captivity of the children of Israel in Babylon to seventy […]

An Announcement from Bibles for America

Dear saints, We want to share with you an important and strategic endeavor BfA is undertaking. We hope you take the time to read this e-mail not only to find out about it but also to receive a burden from the Lord. For the first time ever, we are offering a free two-book set of […]

Advancing from the Altar of Burnt Offering to the Incense Altar

In Message 151 of the Life-Study of Exodus a deep concept is revealed: “With the tabernacle and the outer court there are two altars: the altar of burnt offering and the golden altar of incense. The incense altar in the tabernacle is for prayer, and the altar of burnt offering in the outer court is for […]

Praying in the Two Spirits

The essence of the New Testament and our Christian life is the two spirits—God’s Spirit and our human spirit, mingled together as one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17; cf. Lev. 2:4). Although we have entered into this mingling by virtue of our divine birth (John 3:6), we need our union with the Lord to be strengthened […]

12 Directions of Prayer for North America

      The following points are offered as suggested directions for the prayer of the saints and the churches specifically related to the Lord’s move in North America. These points are not meant to limit but to release the prayer. We encourage all the saints and the churches to join the resurrected and ascended […]

24 Practical Points on Prayer – Minoru Chen (AUDIO & TRANSCRIPT)

      Today, brother Minoru Chen spoke 24 helpful and practical points on prayer based on the Thanksgiving conference to the full-timers in Southern California. It addresses very practical points on how to carry out the current burden of prayer and is highly recommended. Click the link below to hear the audio. 24 Practical […]

A Call to Prayer – A Letter From the Co-Workers in North America (Dec. 2012)

    From December 1 through 21, 2012, a special three-week prayer time of the local churches in the Lord’s recovery will take place. We urge as many saints as possible to deliberately separate themselves unto the ministry of prayer during that period of time. The Lord’s recovery has come to a point where strong […]