Let’s Sing With and To Our Children

Submitted by: RE (Anaheim, CA) I came accros the biography of Elisha A. Hoffman, the author of more than 2000 hymns. He wrote: “I must tell Jesus all of my trials (Hymn 787)”, “Leaning on the everlasting arms (Hymn 558)”, “Is your all on the altar (Hymn 448)”, etc. He did not have any musical […]

Walk with the Lord

Submitted by: David C (Houston, TX) Dear saints, I recently came across Hymn 788 which touched me very much. More than just beautiful poetry, this song describes an intimate walk with the Lord, from morning to evening. This is to have a running conversation with the Lord throughout the day and it’s actually to “pray […]

Choosing to Exercise our Spirit

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today: I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life that you and your seed may live…  Deut. 30:19 In the Collected Works, Watchman Nee says, “The highest level of Christian living is a living by the will” (Vol 3, p […]


As working saints in the Lord’s recovery, we are pulled in every direction from the moment we get up in the morning. Whether it be preparing for a work presentation or shopping and cleaning the house for a group meeting, our time and energy are constantly being sapped. As our capacities and responsibilities increase over […]

Organic Practices for An Overcoming Living

Several years ago, in a time of fellowship with a group of young adults, Brother Benson Phillips presented these 12 organic practices for an overcoming living: Having a scheduled living including the following: Consecrating daily, even hourly, Having morning revival daily, that is, being revived every day, Reading the Word daily—at least one chapter, including […]

Multiple Speakers, ITERO, April 2008

This recording contains fellowship given by several young adults, Andrew Yu, and brothers from Taiwan at the Spring 2008 ITERO. In this meeting a number of young adults or working saints gave their testimonies of how they endeavored to enter into a vital living. There are many obstacles that hinder us from having a vital […]