Announcing a New Gospel Video and Spanish Version of Gospel.BFA.Org

We would like to let you know about two updates related to 1. There is a new gospel video called Jesus: The Real Solution to Our Problem, which is based on the BfA tract Only Jesus Can Heal You. This video illustrates how Jesus’ redeeming death is the real solution to our condition, and […]

Digital Gospel Resources from Bibles for America – Share the Good News

In light of the current world situation, Bibles for America has created a new page on their website to facilitate preaching the gospel, called Share the Good News. They have provided helpful material such as digital tracts, gospel videos, blog posts, and podcasts focused on God’s salvation. May we all be those who spread the gospel seed of […]

Who is Jesus?

“Who is Jesus?” is a YouTube tract put together by Bibles for America for the outreach of the gospel. We encourage you to check it out and pass it along to all those you are burdened for and whomever else you wish. If you like the video, please comment, give a “thumbs up” on YouTube, and […]

Lost and Found: The Story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15 in the Bible

This is a YouTube tract put together by Bibles for America for the outreach of the gospel. We encourage you to check it out and pass it along to all those you are burdened for and whomever else you wish. If you like the video, please comment, give a “thumbs up” on YouTube, and share using Facebook […]

Neighborhood Childrens’ Meeting

Submitted by: R.S. (Olympia, WA) A couple of sisters recently started a neighborhood children’s meeting in the park in our locality (which recently was visited for GTCA). We are burdened that the Lord would use this to preserve this next generation for Himself and plants seeds in them for the rest of their life, and […]

The Lord’s move in Dusseldorf, Germany

This is a video testimony from a couple who migrated from London to Dusseldorf, Germany three years ago. Closed captioning is available. Although they feel inadequate, they ask the question, “who else is going to go?” [vsw id=”25IS-mv6edc” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]

2013 Full-Time Team Reunion – Austin, TX

The audio files of messages given at the 2013 full-time team reunion in Austin, Texas are available below. The messages are: Message 1 – The Privilege, The Need, and the Joy of Serving the Lord Full-Time Message 2 – Vital Groups – the Branches Loving One Another to Express the Divine Life in Fruit-Bearing Message […]

An Announcement from Bibles for America

Dear saints, We want to share with you an important and strategic endeavor BfA is undertaking. We hope you take the time to read this e-mail not only to find out about it but also to receive a burden from the Lord. For the first time ever, we are offering a free two-book set of […]

2012 Labor Day Conference – Vancouver, Canada

Below are the messages from the Labor Day Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada about a month ago with Brothers Benson Phillip, Albert Lim, and Kerry Robichaux. The general subject was gospel to the nations. Messages were spoken in English with translation into Mandarin Chinese. Msg 1; Msg 2; Msg 3  

Storrs, CT – Testimonies of Migration (Video)

This video presents the testimonies of six saints who have migrated to Storrs, CT and are laboring on the University of Connecticut campus. [vsw id=”crF6oQNyUjk” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]