The Lord’s Ultimate Move and the Urgent Need of Support by the Working Saints

“Some people are job-dropping full-timers and some are job-keeping full-timers. Every one of us should live entirely for the Lord’s interests on this earth. Although you have a job, you are still working for the Lord. This way depends on your taking what you have received from your job, aside from amply supplying the needs […]

Teachers’ Training with Tom Goetz in Utrecht, NI (Nov. 2012)

On November 10-11, 2012, Brother Tom Goetz gave a series of messages based on the book “Teachers’ Training” by Witness Lee. These messages were given in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in preparation for the upcoming Winter School of the Truth in Europe. Even though they were given to a specific audience, this speaking is highly relevant […]

In our life time…

Submitted by: R Enriquez (Anaheim) Dear Saints, there was a post from A.A. regarding giving ( The Lord impressed me in the last prayer meeting when we prayed for the finances needed TODAY in His Recovery. We can give material possessions to the Lord in our life time, the chance is now. After we die, […]

Storrs, CT – Testimonies of Migration (Video)

This video presents the testimonies of six saints who have migrated to Storrs, CT and are laboring on the University of Connecticut campus. [vsw id=”crF6oQNyUjk” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]

Bible Distribution at the London 2012 Olympics

“In this universe there are two histories: the history of man, the human history, and the history of God, the divine history.” – Message 5 of the 2012 Summer Training. Since May 19th, saints from all over the world have gathered in the United Kingdom at major cities along the route of the Olympic Torch […]

The God-shaped Vacuum

Bibles for America has put together a YouTube tract for the outreach of the gospel. We encourage you to check it out and pass it along to all those you are burdened for and whomever else you wish. If you like the video, please comment or give a “thumbs up” on YouTube. The more traffic […]

FTTA Winter 2012 Gospel Trip Summary

Purpose: To preach the gospel and announce the truth in the work of propagation, to experience the fulltime life and service outside the training center, to be broadened in our view of the Lord’s need, to testify concerning the Full-time Training and to encourage young people to join the FTT, and to coordinate and blend with the […]

Sowing Trips (February 2012)

Over the next two weeks teams of FTTA trainees and other saints will visit 15 cities in the United States and at least 12 countries in Europe to preach the gospel, distribute Bibles, and contact seeking believers. For information about the sowing trips in the United States, click here. For information about the sowing trips […]

Request before the Lord

Submitted by: Chad (Fargo, ND, USA) Praise the Lord Jesus from Fargo, North Dakota! My first week in the Church Life was during the summer training last July, 2011 and the Lord did a wonderful work in me to release me from religion and the exulting of good works done in the flesh! Hallelujah! Currently, […]