Request before the Lord

Submitted by: Chad (Fargo, ND, USA) Praise the Lord Jesus from Fargo, North Dakota! My first week in the Church Life was during the summer training last July, 2011 and the Lord did a wonderful work in me to release me from religion and the exulting of good works done in the flesh! Hallelujah! Currently, […]

Fort Collins Video Testimonies

This is a video of the testimonies of the saints who migrated to Fort Collins, Colorado, as posted on [vsw id=”Q1TwJb5_yl8″ source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]  

Champaign-Urbana Video 2: Testimonies

This is a video of the testimonies of the saints who migrated to Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, as posted on [vsw id=”JRoAzqHpoSc” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]  

Champaign-Urbana Video 1: Report

This is a video report of the Lord’s move in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, as posted on [vsw id=”hAnhBCWqXss” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]  

8 Points of Prayer from Special Prayer Time, Jan 17-18

With the gospel trips beginning in the coming week, we encourage all the saints to continue steadfastly in prayer.  Pray by yourselves, pray with your companions, pray with your vital groups, pray in your church prayer meetings, and pray in your coordination meetings.  If you are not sure where to begin in prayer, use the […]

Liberty Throughout the Land

“And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.  It shall be a jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family.” (Leviticus 25:10) As the churches and saints begin the long-term campaign to preach […]

Vital Groups as the Basis of God’s Move in the Present Age

It is clear from recent conferences and trainings that the Lord is burdened to move in North America through migration (see “GTCA” under the “God’s Move” tab). However, the basis of such a move must not merely be individual burdened saints. Rather, it must be the vital groups. In a recent fellowship, Brother Andrew Yu […]

Updated Announcement Regarding GTCA Sowing Trips

Dear Brothers, As we are continuing with the planning for the sowing event to the 30 cities that will take place early next year, we would like to clarify the registration process related to this event to avoid any confusion among the saints. Firstly, we have extended the application deadline one additional week in order to […]

The Prayer of the Recovered Church

At the beginning of each of the epistles to the seven churches in Revelation, the Lord tells us what kind of person He is, according to the condition of the church revealed in that particular epistle.  For instance, to the church in Sardis the Lord reveals Himself as the One who has the seven Spirits […]