Working Saints Fellowship at the 2023 International Memorial Day Conference

This post contains the audio recording from a meeting with the working saints during the 2023 International Memorial Day Conference in Chicago, Illinois. In this meeting, brothers Minoru Chen, Ray Mulligan, Ken Mooney, Marty Robert, and Ted Williamson shared on how the ministry of this age can constitute us to carry out the practical burdens […]

Working Saints Gathering at the 2022 Thanksgiving Conference

A link to the video recording of the working saints gathering at the 2022 International Thanksgiving Conference in Washington, DC is available below, as well as a link to the audio recording. English: Video | Audio The fellowship during this gathering focused on the matters of being constituted with the truth using the Life-studies as well as […]

Newly Released: Recovery Version App, LSM Newsletter, Nuggets and Gems

The following is a brief update on some newly released materials from Living Stream Ministry (LSM). Recovery Version App Living Stream Ministry recently released an app for the English Holy Bible Recovery Version. This app contains the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible with its numerous study aids, including the subject and background of each […]

Special Labor Day Conference Regarding the Lord’s Move in North America

We would like to announce a special Labor Day weekend blending conference from this Friday, September 4, through Lord’s Day, September 6, 2020. The conference will be conducted online and will include both spoken messages and breakout sessions for mutual sharing and blending of all the saints. In addition, there will be some video reports of the ten target […]

Announcing a New Gospel Video and Spanish Version of Gospel.BFA.Org

We would like to let you know about two updates related to 1. There is a new gospel video called Jesus: The Real Solution to Our Problem, which is based on the BfA tract Only Jesus Can Heal You. This video illustrates how Jesus’ redeeming death is the real solution to our condition, and […]

Digital Gospel Resources from Bibles for America – Share the Good News

In light of the current world situation, Bibles for America has created a new page on their website to facilitate preaching the gospel, called Share the Good News. They have provided helpful material such as digital tracts, gospel videos, blog posts, and podcasts focused on God’s salvation. May we all be those who spread the gospel seed of […]

Renewed Burden for GTCA 2020

Recently, there is a renewed burden for the Lord’s move to Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize America (GTCA), specifically with a view to strengthening the testimony of the Lord’s recovery in the heartland of America. Brother Witness Lee spoke a number of times regarding the importance of the United States, due to both its geographical location, […]

Working Saints Fellowship at the 2018 Thanksgiving Day Conference

This post contains the audio and video from a working saints fellowship held during the 2018 International Thanksgiving Day Conference in Charlotte, NC. The fellowship was centered around the burden for the Lord’s move within the United States, particularly in the heartland states and on the campuses. A number of saints testified of their experience of […]

Urgent Need for the Lord’s Move in Europe and Africa

During the recent Memorial Day conference, two time-sensitive burdens were released regarding the Lord’s present move at the end of Message 5. These burdens open a wonderful way for all of the saints to actively enter into what the Lord is doing today by praying, giving, and going. May the Lord gain our hearts for His move on […]

Present Burden of the Lord’s Move to Europe

Praise the Lord for His move in Europe! There have been several recent updates released regarding the progress of the Lord’s move in Europe, specifically related to Germany and the ongoing UK Building Project. We present a brief summary here, but the full fellowship can be found at the links below. Following the International Training […]