Our Fresh Enjoyment

The Body of Christ is an organic life; it operates without any human arrangement. -Watchman Nee, The Mystery of Christ, Chpt. 8 (D.C., Houston, TX)

Our Fresh Enjoyment

It is a great blessing for a person to be able to participate in the flow of God’s work, the flow of revival, at least once in his lifetime. -Witness Lee, Three Aspects of the Church: Book 2, The Course of the Church, (J.G., Paris, France)

Prayers From The Ministry

“Lord, give me the burden to bear fruit. Give me the utterance and the boldness in speaking for You.” -Witness Lee, The Training and the Practice of the Vital Groups, Chpt. 4 (R.E., Anaheim, CA)

Our Fresh Enjoyment

Only one kind of obedience can be counted worthy in the eyes of God, and that is the obedience that comes out of revelation (cf. Acts 26:19). -Witness Lee, An Opening Word to the Full-Time Trainees Concerning Regulations and Opinions, Chpt. 2 (S.T., Quezon City, Philippines)

Prayers From The Ministry

“Lord, here am I; send me. Lord, regardless of what You want me to do, and regardless of what You want to do in me, I am willing. Lord, pass through me and gain my entire being.” -Witness Lee, The Bridge and Channel of God, Chpt. 6 (A.C., Irvine, CA)

Our Fresh Enjoyment

The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?”…If there are some, and even if there is only one, God will have a bridge, a channel, a way. -Witness Lee, The Bridge and Channel of God, Chpt. 6 (A.C., Irvine, CA)

Our Fresh Enjoyment

As soon as the inner man is released, many sinners will be blessed and many Christians will receive grace. -Watchman Nee, The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit, Chpt. 1 (C.Y., Halifax, Canada)

Prayers From The Ministry

Lord, I do not ask to have the problem removed; I ask for an increase of Your grace. -Witness Lee, Watchman Nee—A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, Chpt. 19 (J.C., Cheney, WA)

Our Fresh Enjoyment

Who is willing to rise up and answer the Lord’s call, desiring only the Lord Himself and rejecting…everything that is natural and worldly? …Even if there is only one, God will have a bridge, a channel, a way. -Witness Lee, The Bridge and Channel of God, Chpt. 6 (A.C., Irvine, CA)