33 Responses

  1. For the livingtohim life-study is a life-growing word.led us abide in him grow in him.
    Strengthen our spirit livingtohim.Amen! Jesus is Lord.

  2. Soy un hermano de la Iglesia en Cd. Cuauhtemoc, Chih. estoy muy agradecido con el Señor de la oportunidad que se nos esta presentando de que una manera coorporativa podamos entrar en esta lectura tener un avivamiento tan maravilloso atravez de este ministerio. Que Dios prospere y bendiga lo que ya inicio el cual lo consumara

    1. Alabado sea el Señor porque podemos entrar en las verdades de una manera corporativa. Que bendición que podemos seguir a Cristo con los que de corazón puro invocan Su nombre.

  3. “Always rejoice. Unceasingly pray. In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (I Thes. 5:16-18) LS I Thes. p. 162 “God wants us to live a rejoicing, praying, and thanking life. Such a life is a glory to God and a shame to His enemy.” Amen Lord! Sounds good to me.

  4. Praise the Lord for His words.Thank the Lord for such a ministry,may we be constituted with such healthy words for the building up of His house.

  5. Praise The Lord for the life-study -reading-program! It gives us a guide line to pursuit together
    Cooperatively for the building up of His Body. Amen! From Esther

  6. Praise the Lord for such a rich ministry. I can’t wait to start reading through these messages. Oh Lord infuse us and nourish us as we read Genesis life studies.

  7. Praise the Lord for His wonderful Economy. Lord thank You for such a mercy, I do not take it for granted to be able to receive and to partake of all His riches. What a Christ have we… Amen!

  8. Amen! Lord strengthen us and be our faithfulness and our enjoyment to enter into Your rich ministry…. We love You and Your Word.

  9. I am so happy to find out there will be a corporate reading of the Genesis Life Study messages! I have been wanting to read them but haven’t started yet so this is the encouragement I needed. Lord show us what is on Your heart and how we can experience ‘Genesis’ in our daily life for the building up of Your dear Body!

  10. The Spirit is working in His Body. My husband, a new one and I are being reading and enjoying the Life Study of Genesis for a little while. We are so happy that we are one in spirit. Praise the Lord!

  11. Lord Jesus thank you for showing me in your word that if i want to be suppled with life that i just need to contact you with your word. Lord Jesus thank you for making it so clear that i dont need to search the scriptures, i could just simply come to you. Lord Jesus thank you for enlightening the eye’s of my heart to see that the letter kill but the Spirit gives life, that i should take the sward of the spirit which is the word of God by all means of prayer and petition.

  12. Bless the lovely, lovely church!
    O what a sweet, sweet life we have in the riches of Christ Jesus! We love you!
    Thankyou Lord for unsearchable riches!

  13. Queridos santos, gracia y paz a vosotros!!! Me alegra el hecho de tener contacto con ustedes y por toda la información que recibo del hablar actual del Señor en toda la tierra, sobretodo en estos momento cuando estamos tan cerca del fin de la era, por lo que quiero hacerles una petición, me gustaría que me enviaran los boletines informativos en el idioma español para que sea un poco mas funcional para mi…..por demás mis queridos hermanos que la gracia y la paz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo continue abundando en sus corazones!!!!!

  14. “…This is my God, and I will praise Him!” Exodus 15:2. Thank you for this practical schedule for 2015. I’m looking forward to reading the Life Studies of Exodus with you all this year. May the Lord bless and guide us into all the reality!

  15. Praise the Lord for His Word. And thank you for this opportunity to be nurished through His Ministry.
    Paul prayed that we might be strengthened into our inner man with the result that Christ could make His home in our heart and thereby occupy, possess, permeate, and saturate our whole inner being with Himself. In this way we are filled with Christ, and we become strong to apprehend the dimensions of Christ and to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ. Eventually, we shall be filled with Christ to such an extent that we become the fullness of God.

  16. We read Mess.1 last night & looking forward to reading Exodus LS together. It’s so enjoyable & nourishing!

  17. Thank you for the encouragement to read through these messages. My wife and I have been steadily working through them and enjoying grace as we do.

  18. The messages beyond # 80 are not in the calendar here. Does the schedule stop for some reason at that message? We have read through Message 82 at this point. What is the feeling of those coordinating this schedule? We are very thankful we have been able to read the LS messages to this point. -RL

  19. The above message I wrote was a mistake! It can be deleted if you feel to. However our family has been great supplied and encouraged by the Exodus reading schedule. Thank you for the labor and making it available online. Much blessing and grace to all serving the saints in this way! -RL

    1. Dear Roger, the reason the calendar stopped at Message 80 is because that was our initial schedule – to cover up to what the 2015 Summer Training covered. While we have not finalized plans for the next reading schedule, we encourage everyone to continue reading the life-studies or use this time to catch up before we start the next reading program.

  20. We deeply appreciate the Exodus LS reading schedule. I appreciated a portion in Mess 161:”Actually,the verb to be can be applied only to God. He alone is, was, and will be. He alone is the eternal, self-existing One. Our life is short. If we do not have God, we shalk not continue to be …”

    1. Dear Matthew, Lev. is short for Leviticus, so for example, the reading for January 8th is Leviticus chapter 1. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  21. Is the Life Study Calendar going to be in function? We are reading through LS of Numbers and would like to have the reading schedule in function if possible. Thanks, RL

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