Paris Olympics
FTTA Support Fund
500LS App
The Bible Tells Me So
Living to Him

Paris Olympics

The Olympics will be returning to Europe in 2024 and will be hosted in Paris, France. The last Olympics held in Europe were the 2012 Summer Games in London. This event attracted over 19 million people from around the world, and was a momentous opportunity to distribute free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and other ministry materials.

To take advantage of this opportunity arranged by the Lord for millions of Europeans to be gathered in one location, Bibles for Europe and Amana Trust are again preparing to distribute free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version during the Torch Relay and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. They have prepared an information letter to encourage all the saints to open to the Lord regarding this next milestone in the Lord’s move in Europe, by praying, giving and going.

When a person is graced with being part of one of God’s special moves on this earth, it is the greatest blessing of his life. God’s move makes an impression that he will never forget, and it becomes an unending source of supply to him. Whoever can participate in such a flow is most blessed…It is a great blessing for a person to be able to participate in the flow of God’s work, the flow of revival, at least once in his lifetime. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1956, vol. 2, “Three Aspects of the Church, Book 2: The Course of the Church,” p. 428)

The Olympics will begin with the Torch Relay throughout France and through some of the French overseas departments/territories. It will continue with the Olympic games in Paris and other major cities and will finish a few weeks later with the Paralympics.

The brothers will arrange gospel trips throughout these three phases. Some gospel trips may begin in London at Woodland Camp, and others may go directly to France. Specific dates and transportation details will be announced later.

Further details and an application to participate will be forthcoming. Please do not make any arrangements until you have received a confirmation email that your application has been approved. To express an interest in attending a gospel trip and to receive ongoing updates, please click below to complete a short form:

We encourage you to take a moment to read the full letter with additional details here, but please avoid sharing this information on websites or social media. May we all consider our participation in this labor before the Lord to establish His testimony in Europe for His ultimate move today!


FTTA Support Fund

Dear saints,

We would like to share a particular burden with you related to the Full-time Training in Anaheim (FTTA).

FTTA was established in 1989 by Brother Lee to build up the trainees in Christ in the growth of the divine life, equip them with the divine truths, and cultivate their spiritual capacity in preaching the gospel, nourishing the believers, perfecting the saints, and prophesying for the building up of the Body of Christ. Since that time, over five thousand saints have attended FTTA, which has greatly enriched the churches and strengthened the Lord’s testimony.

As more and more young people give themselves to be trained, some of them have had difficulty either supporting themselves or obtaining support from their sending localities. In addition, the operating costs of the training continue to increase year after year. These expenses are often not entirely covered by the tuition which has been kept low for the aforementioned reason.

Therefore, in close fellowship with FTTA and the co-workers, a group of trainee graduates have formed an entity called the “FTTA Support Fund,” the purpose of which is to make these needs known and provide a mechanism for burdened saints to give. It is not meant to diminish any giving to the churches or other areas of the work, nor is it in any way intended to replace the current practice of fellowship among the churches in supporting trainees. It is simply a channel to help cover the increasing costs of the training and provide a means for those who might otherwise lack adequate funding to attend.

As working saints who are learning to bear the burden for the Lord’s recovery, we are thankful for the training and want to see it continue in a strong way for the Lord’s interests on the earth today. May the Lord continue to bless His recovery through the training. For more information, please visit

Grace to you,
Saints serving with Living to Him


500LS App

For those who are not aware, there is now an app to help and encourage believers to get into the truth by using the Life-study of the Bible, entitled “500 Life-studies”. The “500” comes from Witness Lee’s encouragement to seeking believers to read at least 500 Life-study messages for their spiritual nourishment and growth.

Over the last ten years we have published approximately twelve hundred Life-studies. I have the assurance to say that whoever has read through five hundred Life-study messages properly has been an excellent believer. (Witness Lee, Elders’ Training, Book 3: The Way to Carry Out the Vision, ch. 10, p. 106)

If you already have the app, please make sure you have updated to the latest version on the app stores, which includes new features such as dark mode, ability to review previously read portions from Edit Progress, and ability to mark reading as Complete directly from the Dashboard.

Please remember to leave a 5-star review on the app stores and direct all bugs and issues directly to the 500 Life-studies team at This will help the app to be highly ranked and discoverable by others on the app stores.

For more information, please visit


The Bible Tells Me So

The brothers at have continued to labor to produce Bible-based content that is suitable for children with a view to building up families for God’s economy. There are books, videos, music, crafts, and more to meet the needs of children at different stages as they grow, from pre-K to 12 years old. These materials are designed to be read and enjoyed in the homes, with your whole family.

A recent addition was a 30 story, 10-book, boxed-set called, “Short Stories on Character,” which covers the 30 character points Brother Lee gave in the book “Character.”

They will also soon be finished with a four-volume series of “My Book of Daily Bible Verses” for level 2 (which are children from 7-9 years of age), These books will present key daily verses and a short application for one or two main figures in the Bible every week, for a whole year.

In addition to these books, the Family Time videos will begin again soon, along with a new series of videos entitled, “House2House,” which will highlight the simplicity and joy of visiting and caring for others.

Lastly, the brothers are happy to announce the release of a very special and important new books, entitled, “God’s Rainbow – The Real Meaning of the Rainbow.” With its hand painted water-color illustrations, and clear presentation of what the rainbow truly means, we feel this book will meet a timely need and help our children develop a proper, Biblical understanding of the rainbow. Because this is such a special publication, the brothers are offering it as their first ever, hardbound book.

The brothers have also been asked to begin translation the books and videos into the major European languages for distribution there. Please pray for that labor. And for those who feel to, there is also a way to give a tax deductible offering on the website. Please visit for more information. There is a table set up in the back for the saints to see some of the available material.


Living to Him

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