We would like to let you know about two updates related to gospel.bfa.org.

1. There is a new gospel video called Jesus: The Real Solution to Our Problem, which is based on the BfA tract Only Jesus Can Heal You. This video illustrates how Jesus’ redeeming death is the real solution to our condition, and how He desires to live in us to be our rescue from sin. You can easily share this video by visiting gospel.bfa.org, scrolling down to the video section, and clicking on the icons below the video to send it via text message, email, or social media. You can also share this link: biblesforamerica.org/videos/jesus-the-solution-to-our-real-problem/. We encourage you to check gospel.bfa.org regularly, as we are continuing to create new gospel videos.

2. The Spanish version of our gospel website has launched. Visit gospel.bfa.org/es to read and share our Spanish gospel materials.

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