To those who love the Lord with their whole heart and love the church, the Body of Christ, this is my testimony of growing up in the church life and loving the Lord as my Father, God, and Savior,

Let me start by saying I love the Lord with my whole heart, I love the saints and treasure the church. I feel privileged to be part of God’s house.

I was born into a Christian home in San Diego, CA, where my parents choose to meet with the local church. We moved a lot. In the 80’s we migrated/moved to Indianapolis, IN. In the 90’s we migrated/moved to Bratislava, Slovakia. When I was 17 I moved to London, UK for a time to work in a hair salon. In the 2000’s we moved back to the U.S.A. We were first in Indianapolis, and later migrated to Atlanta, GA for school and the church life there. Once I was an adult I migrated to Anaheim, CA for FTTA; Minneapolis, MN for work; and now I am in Boston, MA working downtown in a hair salon as a hairdresser.

Early on in life in Indianapolis, I was saved at the young age of 7, and I remember getting baptized later that year. On Sundays we sat in the Lord’s Table meeting and were dismissed to children’s meeting before the prophesying meeting. I remember loving to sing to the Lord. I was learning to love the Lord with my whole heart. Children’s meeting was mostly taught by two different brothers, one of them being my earthly father. He wrote a tune to every memory verse, so we were able to get a lot of the word into us through those songs. And I remember a lot of them to this day because of it; it was an eternal blessing. I always felt loved and cared for.

We then migrated to Slovakia, we were the first family to go, and my parents only brought the 4 younger children as the older children (4) were adults at that time. We had a daily morning time with the Lord as a family, my Dad and Mom set the pattern for us. I have fond memories of those times. We would sing to the Lord, pray read a few verses, then read a portion that expounded on what we had read. My day-to-day church life was my family. My month-to-month church life consisted of conferences and going to visit those around us, the closest being 2 hours away. I always looked forward to those times with other believers. I had local friends who were from various denominations who I had weekly bible studies with and monthly Sunday meetings with. They were my companions growing up, we all believed in the Lord, loved Him as our Father, and worshiped Him as our God. My siblings and I every summer attended the young people’s conference in Poland. I cherish those memories and sometimes wish I could be back in the little mountain town, singing with those who love the Lord in multiple languages, and rejoicing in Him. It was what I imagine the New Jerusalem will be like. I was 13 when I first consecrated my life to the Lord, to serve Him all my life, and one day attend the FTT. I remember having this desire just by seeing those around me as patterns, and I was encouraged and lead by those on how to consecrate myself to the Lord. When I graduated from high school at 16, I attended the college conference in Wales. It was there I consecrated my life for the second time to the Lord and started my first honeymoon stage, which was through this song:

From the morning to the evening, His faithfulness I see;
His mercy reaching sinners, reaching even me;
And I know, now I know.
Brighter than the brightest sunlight, all doubts and fears must cease;
Sweeter than the sweetest delight, His living Word in me.
And I know, now I know.
That God is there for me tomorrow,
As He is for me today;
That He’ll take my cares and sorrow,
And He’ll wipe them all away;
There’s no crisis that He can’t bear,
There’s no storm He can’t abate; He’s my God, He’s my God.
Day by day His grace grows dearer; His love has conquered me,
Never leaving, never ceasing, His Spirit constantly
Flooding me, rich and free;
Higher than the highest heaven, He lifts me up to see
New Jerusalem descending, His bride, His love to be
Eternally, it shall be.

After high school, I lived in London for a time and worked in a hair salon, and met with the saints in Putney. This was my first adult experience of the day to day church life. And I loved it. It was a way of life to me. I served on children’s meeting and love those children to this day and still pray for them, they are written on my heart. I had a few families who would welcome me into their home for dinners, and that was so cherishing to me. I missed my family and was homesick. They cared for me and fed me food and Christ, just like one of their own children. I attended college meetings weekly and loved them as well. Whenever I touched the saints I was supplied with Christ, and enjoyed those times thoroughly.

When I moved back to the USA, the situation in Indianapolis wasn’t ideal, so I stopped meeting with the church there and later migrated to Atlanta out of sheer desperation to be around believers who loved the Lord and didn’t follow a teaching. When I started my formal schooling/technical college at Aveda Institute I worked 40 hours weekly at a restaurant and attended school full-time 40 hours a week. I had one day off, and with the little time I had I spent it with Christians. I wasn’t meeting regularly at the time, but always kept my walk consistent with the Lord. I kept up my Bible reading, and knew that once I was done with my schooling I would have more time to spend with all the believers in Christ. The little contact I had with the saints was nothing but wonderful. I enjoyed some college meetings when I had the night off, and some Lord’s Day meetings when I had the opportunity. I didn’t know many but I had my sister there who kept me in the loop. I started working immediately after school; in the industry I am in, it’s best to get experience and practice right away. I didn’t have any feeling to attend the FTT at that time. I worked for 5 years, During that time I attended Friday night home meetings, the Lords Table, and made it to prayer meetings. I fell back in love with the saints. I felt cared for and shepherded. I started meeting with the saints in Athens, GA. I found it easier to function in a smaller church life. The leading brothers were amazing there. I wasn’t one to fellowship… but when I started to have the desire to go to the FTT, I started fellowshipping and the feeling was positive that I should go. So I dropped my job, and left for California at the beginning of the summer and applied to FTTL and FTTA. My parents at the time lived in Big Bear, CA and were serving full-time. I spent the summer serving on Summer school of truth, 4 in a row, and read all the ministry books suggested to read before the training. Listening to the brothers speaking in the meetings I had a true realization that the Lord’s coming is getting closer and desired to be one who helped to bring His return sooner. I was privileged to be able to attend the training part time/full time for one year. And I will treasure that time for the rest of my life. I have many companions and everlasting bonds because I went. Being able to focus on the Lord and learning His ways, serving Him, loving Him, seeing His purpose, coordinating with those who also love Him, learning to appreciate and treasure His word. It was amazing, I would recommend giving two years to anyone.

I migrated to Minnesota after the training, mostly to be around family. I love all the saints there, they are precious to the Lord. I have many family members there, my mom comes from there and has a huge family. I would sometimes bring relatives to the meetings and they always had positive things to say about the saints and the church. There was a call to Germany during my time living In Minnesota, I was able to take two months and participate in 2 gospel trips; they were eye-opening months. Full of coordination, fellowship, and gaining the Lord, also being built up with those around me. It reminded me about the universal corporate expression of Christ on this earth, it broadened my horizons yet again, I was in need of a reminder. The Lord spoke to me at that time to start praying about migrating again, and when I prayed about it, the Lord spoke “Boston” into my thoughts and prayers. I had visited Boston and considered moving here for a while but it never worked out. The Lord’s timing is everything. I wanted to move to Germany or England, and am still open, But the Lord moved me to Boston. I work 6 days a week, life is very busy. Things are going on. But the Lord’s presence is here in the church life. I serve with the children monthly, I have a weekly home meeting, I participate in the Lord’s Table and try to make the ministry meetings. I want to be a functioning member of the Lord’s Body. This is where true joy and happiness is.

I will say I’m human, I get offended in my daily life. I am learning to forgive those who offend me and turn to my spirit daily. Learning to live ordinary days under His divine dispensing. Learning to gain my daily portion of Christ, enjoy Him moment-by-moment. To show love and kindness to those around me, shepherding them with Christ’s life and love and not my own. And to speak forth my beliefs and minister to those around me. “My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace.” I am simply here on earth temporarily and want the Lord to return and to have all His desires fulfilled, so that He can marry His bride.

Psalms 16:1-3 Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You. I say to Jehovah, You are my Lord; / No good have I beyond You; As for the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent; / All my delight is in them.

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