Praise the Lord for His move in Europe! There have been several recent updates released regarding the progress of the Lord’s move in Europe, specifically related to Germany and the ongoing UK Building Project. We present a brief summary here, but the full fellowship can be found at the links below.

Following the International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones in October 2017, an 11-day distribution of the Recovery Version was carried out in Germany in which 500 participating saints visited 60 cities and distributed over 31,000 Bibles. The current generation of college-age students was found to be much more open than in previous years, and many Bible recipients are still waiting for contact. Six cities currently have established or soon-to-be established lampstands, and at least 20 more could be gained in the near future. In order to facilitate the blending among the saints and further establish them in the truth, a property was purchased in the very center of Germany. Called Gut Elim, it is comprised of 25 acres with 10 buildings, and will be used as a blending and conference center for the saints and new ones from all over the country, with the goal that many could eventually be sent to the Full-Time Training in London (FTTL).

The release of the ministry issues in the raising up of the churches. In 1984, Brother Lee shared that in the previous 20 years, 80% of the churches had been raised up by the publications. This continues to hold true today: The FTTL started in 1997, the radio broadcast in London began in 2000, and weekend trainings at Heckfield place started in 2003. Since that time, the number of saints in Europe has increased from 650 to almost 5,000; in the UK alone, 90% of the saints have been added to the church life since 2000. Many more Christians in the UK and throughout Europe have touched the ministry and are poised to come into the church life. In the UK, 50,000 are listening to the radio broadcast regularly, over 200,000 Bibles are ready to be distributed, and there are currently 48,000 contacts who are still open to further fellowship. However, to adequately bring these believers on, there is the need for training.

Bower House was purchased in 2005 to meet the need for training. It currently accommodates Amana Trust, the FTTL, and week-long trainings which host saints from across Europe. Due to the limited space, much of the FTTL and trainings are carried out in a large tent that has been set up on the property, and the week-long trainings can only receive 200 saints yearly. In order to increase the capacity for the anticipated growth of the FTTL, an adjacent 7-acre property, Bower Farm, was purchased with the intention that more residential dwellings and meeting places could be provided. Additionally, Woodland camp, a 17-acre site situated 10 miles from Bower House, was recently purchased with a goal of constructing 45 two-bedroom cabins and a meeting area capable of hosting 200 Europeans every week! By the Lord’s sovereignty, the permits have already been approved for the construction to proceed. The estimated cost to install the infrastructure and complete the building project is 2.5 million USD, and with the proper funding all of the work could be done in a few months. Additional renovations are also planned for Bower House and Bower Farm. Collectively, this building project would significantly increase the capacity to train believers gained from all over Europe, including the college students and refugees being gained in Germany. The training in London is for the training of all the Europeans.

Currently, only 11% has been given toward the Woodland Camp development, and only 3 cabins have been built due to the lack of funds. If all of the saints in the Lord’s recovery gave a small amount weekly, within 1 year all of the building projects could be completed. In the Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, message 69, Brother Lee says the following:

Throughout the years, we in the Lord’s recovery have been hearing His Word and have been built up in the riches of Christ. We have surely been nourished by the divine Word. Now if we all would be faithful to live for God’s administration in caring for money and material matters, there would be no financial needs in the recovery. For example, certainly we can exercise our spirit and our will to save a small amount of money each week, perhaps just two dollars and fifty cents, and give this to the Lord for His move on earth. One day, instead of having our lunch at a restaurant, we may eat a simple meal prepared at home. Then the money saved could be given to the Lord. Imagine what the situation would be if we all were faithful to do something like this week by week!

Thank the Lord for such a wonderful opportunity to participate in His move on the earth today. May the Lord have mercy on all of us that we would bring these matters to the Lord in prayer. As Brother Lee spoke at the end of message one of the World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, “Tell the Lord, ‘Lord, now is the consummation of this age. If I love You, I should love You today. So Lord, rekindle my love toward You.’ You see what the Lord would say.”

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For more information on the building projects, visit

For the video update given at the Winter Training, visit

For the special fellowship given at the Thanksgiving Day Conference in Phoenix, visit, and click on ‘Recent Conference Archives.’

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