This is the fourth testimony in our ongoing series of posts regarding how saints have participated in the Lord’s move to Europe through praying, giving, and going. Our hope is that many will be encouraged by these testimonies and that the Lord will gain our cooperation to be one with Him in His move in Europe!


I was first touched regarding Europe when the burden began to be unfolded in the Lord’s recovery. Since then, I have continually prayed for this burden by myself or with companions. In 2012 I joined the Bible distribution in the UK and last year I was among a group of saints in Frankfurt, Germany who preached the gospel to the refugees. I am now in Frankfurt for a month of perfecting the new ones. The need is great but the workers are few. The people are tired of religion and are asking for the real true God. Many hearts are open to hear the gospel on the campuses and in the refugee camps. The Lord is crying today as in Isaiah, “Who can I send and who will go for Us?” May we all heed His call!  -Sister from New York, NY

Click here for last week’s testimony.

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