This is the second testimony in our ongoing series of posts regarding how saints have participated in the Lord’s move to Europe through praying, giving, and going. Our hope is that many will be encouraged by these testimonies and that the Lord will gain our cooperation to be one with Him in His move in Europe!


My parents had made plans to move to Northern California before my mom got sick. Then when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I had to make a decision whether to live by myself in Southern California (where I previously met) to work and serve there or move to Northern California to take care of my mom, dad, and two siblings. I chose to come to Northern California and the Lord placed me with two sisters who would call me to pray every morning and three times per week in the evenings. This has been such a salvation to me and a great opportunity for me to exercise my spirit to pray. Out of these times I was brought to pray with two other sisters from different localities and it was through this that I began to be burdened for Europe. I received weekly prayer burdens for Europe and we have been praying for them. This has allowed the Lord to move in me, expand in me, and grow in me to transform me. Praise the Lord! I have a long way to go but by His mercy I’d like to continue in this kind of prayer and learn with the sisters that the Lord’s hand would move. My burden is that all the working saints would be paired up in two’s or three’s to learn together to fight against the evil forces in the air and to bring in His kingdom. Hallelujah! – A sister from Northern California

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