For the recent working saints gathering at the Memorial Day conference, several saints submitted testimonies on how they have participated in the Lord’s move to Europe through praying, giving, and going. Some of these testimonies were read live at the gathering but, given the time constraints, many were not. In order for these precious testimonies to be shared and be a benefit to the Body, we will be posting these to the website (one per week) over the coming months. May the Lord gain our cooperation to be one with Him in His move in Europe!


First, I’d like to say that the Lord knows our hearts. I’ve always been burdened for Europe and the Lord has blessed me so that I can be among saints that share that same burden. But because of my legal status in the USA, I can’t be among the saints that migrate to Europe. I have a work visa which doesn’t allow me to leave the country. For several years, there has been a group of saints in my locality that have been praying and continue to pray for the Lord’s move in Europe. For some time, I was able to join the saints in those prayer times. Being the only young and single person at the time, it was a blessing to see how the Lord would answer our fervent prayers to send some saints to Europe, especially to Italy. At one point, some of the serving saints came in contact with two Italian students from the community college in my locality. These two students later received the Lord and a couple that had migrated to Italy met with the families of these students in Italy. This answered one of our many prayers: that the Lord would put the saints in contact with Italian-speaking students and families. For me it was so sweet to see how the Lord would answer each of our prayers because our prayers were not for ourselves but for the sake of the Lord’s return and the preparation of His bride.

Whenever I used to hear that someone was migrating to Europe, inwardly I felt somewhat sad because it wasn’t me who was going. But through these prayer times, I’ve come to realize that the saints’ going to Europe is also my going. I may not be there physically, but I’m there in spirit and in prayer. And if the Lord wants my family to migrate to Europe, I have no doubt in my being that the Lord in His time would open the way for us to migrate there. In the meantime, we can all continue to work together by praying and petitioning. – A sister from Irving, Texas

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