This post contains the audio and video from a meeting in San Jose, California, held on Saturday, November 26, 2016, from 3 to 5 PM, during the 2016 International Thanksgiving Day Conference, for saints in the general age range of 25 through 50. Many saints testified of their experience in various practices for a vital Christian living and their exercise in the priesthood of the gospel. Both brothers Jim Miller and Minoru Chen spoke on our urgent need to spend time with the Lord. Brother Minoru emphasized that the two critical factors needed in our time with the Lord are the Spirit and the Word and that a Christian life that is living and active issues from our being filled with the Spirit and inhabited by the Word. Our brother also introduced to us a new hymn entitled “Write Thou on Me, Dear Lord, Thy Name.”


Please click here and select “Save As…” to download the audio.


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2 Responses

  1. PTL!
    we need to be filled with the Spirit and inhabited by the Word! This what makes our Christian life living and active.

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