This is a local blending conference given by Ron Kangas in Cambridge, Massachusetts, from September 17-18, 2016. He gave four encouraging, sobering, and enriching messages under the general subject “The Preparation of the Bride.” In these messages he presented both the vision of what is deep in God’s heart and the way for us to be prepared as His bride. He stressed the importance of our first love to the Lord, the urgency for our growth in life unto maturity and to be built up, as well as the need for us to be delivered from self-righteousness and be trained to deal with both the adversary within and the enemy without. In addition, he had a special time of fellowship with the sisters on their function in the church life. Below are the links from the Church in Cambridge website:

  • Message 1: The Bride – the Goal of the Lord’s Recovery (Audio)
  • Message 2: The Maturity of the Bride and the Building of the Bride (Audio)
  • Message 3: The Righteousness of the Bride and the Beauty of the Bride (Audio)
  • Message 4: The Bride as the Corporate Warrior (Audio)
  • Special Fellowship with the sisters (Audio)

8 Responses

  1. I am so grateful that I can hear these messages and appreciate them.
    I am so much impressed with the testimony of Br. Ron that he lives for the bride and he breathes for the bride in the first message. He didn’t say, “He will live for the bride or he wants to breathe for the bride.” He testifies that he lives for the bride.
    I am not yet able to testify as Br. Ron does but I need to learn to live such a life for the preparation of the bride. Actually I am gradually learning to breathe and live for the bride according to the pattern of forerunners in the Lord’s recovery.
    Oh Lord, have mercy on me and all saints in the Lord’s recovery so that we may learn to breathe for the bride and live for the bride to bring in Christ as the Bridegroom.

  2. Does anyone know if there is an audio of the message given in Riverside, CA during the Spanish speaking conference in mid-January, 2017 by Brother Menoru on pray-reading the word?

    1. PTL Jan Fearn, living in NYC, I call it Spanish Harlem, but it is actually Washington Heights, Manhattan a Dominican neighborhood. Spend day with someone who invited me from Trinidad to an Army Retirement outing in the southern most part of Brooklyn NYC yesterday. Also have a christian brother here from Freetown, Sierra Leone staying with me for a few days, he is staying in Staten Island NYC AND WORKING. He has been to a Lord’s Day meeting with in New Jersey. Saints here are meeting in China town couldn’t get their today. They also are in Queens, NYC. Donald Trumps neighborhood, so I heard him speaking and making mention of a Love Feast. I heard it first from saints in Sept.”72′.
      Have a muscle tear in left shoulder that has put me out of work. The three boys are well and prospering. How are your five? Heard Reetzke’s are in Boston. I am looking to spread to East Tennessee. How are the saints in Chicago. I got to go to Thanksgiving Conference a year ago, not able this year, health. I trust I am finding you all in good health. Regards to brother Jeff. Heard of passing of sister Betty the dentist. Well all for now glad to have found you on Living to Him. brother Mike

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