This post contains the audio and video from a meeting in San Antonio, Texas on Nov 29, 2014 during the 2014 International Thanksgiving Day Conference for saints in the general age range from mid-20s to early 40s. A number of brothers and sisters shared their testimonies of how they find the supply amidst demanding jobs, crying babies, or busy schedules. Brothers Tym Seay, Steve Watts, and Minoru Chen also shared some particular fellowship.


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Please click here to listen to the audio.

3 Responses

  1. Thank the Lord for the Saints sharing testimonies of the daily Christ in their experience.May this encourage all of us to bring forth these elements for producing a “finishing” work to God’s building, the Church in spirit, Hallelujah!!

  2. I’ve never imagined that my life would have changed so much since I left a comment at last YA fellowship’s post (2014 International Memorial Day Conference). I mentioned at my comment that my husband was not meeting anymore. Indeed, he had stopped meeting for 10 years. He did not simply had stopped growing, but began rotting and stinking in his self-made grave, refusing everybody, blaming everything, even cursing his own birth. No one could render him any help. All of a sudden, he decided to join our home meetings and the Lord’s Table meetings again in mid-November last year. I am still in awe that he would make this sudden turn. It was like seeing him resurrected from the dead!! What an unspeakable joy that is full of glory, to see our dear brother comes back to the realm of the living!

    I don’t believe my husband’s recovery was a random event. I can almost be certain, I had received reciprocal prayers from someone that I have prayed for! Our intercessory prayers were not only accepted but answered, when I started to pray in a much grander dimension!

    Not many are privileged as Timothy, who had a spiritual father like Paul. I wish I could go to someone personally to get spiritual guidance from time to time, in a normal way. Maybe I am just too peculiar, that I need to go through a very peculiar path to get help. Nevertheless, though each member in the Body will never be natually attached to each other, the supply is in the Body. The supply can be flowed from one member to another, in the divine and mystical realm. How blessed to know, in this universe, there is one Body, one New Man!

    Thank you for Living To Him, your site has rendered a lot of help to me.

    Below is a quote on intercessory prayer that I really enjoy. May we all be inspired to pray more!

    “…the prevalence of prayer does not depend upon the strength of the man who prays, but upon the power of the argument he uses! Now, brothers and sisters, if you sow seed, you may be very feeble, but it is not your hand that puts the seed into the ground which produces the harvest — it is the vitality in the seed! And so in the prayer of faith – when you can plead a promise, and drop that prayer into the ground with hope, your weakness shall not make it miscarry; it shall still prevail with God, and bring down blessings from on high. ” — C.H. Spurgeon

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