In this series of messages we begin to cover the topic of Jacob’s being transformed:

Message 78:
e. Being Transformed
1) God’s Reminding—Back to Bethel
2) Jacob’s Response
a) Making a Thorough Clearance
(1) Putting Away Their Foreign Gods—Idols
(2) Purifying Themselves
(3) Changing Their Garments
(4) Burying Their Earrings
(5) Terrifying the Enemies
b) Going Up to Bethel
3) God’s Clearing

Message 79:
4) At Bethel
a) Jacob Having Built an Altar to God
b) God Appearing to Jacob
c) God Blessing Jacob
d) God Reminding Jacob of His New Name
e) God Promising Jacob
(1) To Be Fruitful and Multiply
(2) To Be a Nation with Kings
(3) To Inherit the Land with His Seed
f) Jacob’s Reaction to God’s Promise
(1) Setting Up a Pillar of Stone
(2) Pouring a Drink Offering on the Pillar
(3) Pouring Oil upon the Pillar
(4) Calling the Place Bethel

Message 80:
5) The Experience at Bethel
a) Jacob’s Altar
b) God’s Appearing
c) God’s Blessing
d) Jacob’s Experience of His New Name


To read online: Living Stream Ministry

To purchase the Life-Study of Genesis: (Nook) (Kobo) (iBooks) (Kindle) (Print)

To listen to the corresponding radio broadcasts with commentary: LSM Radio

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