Submitted by: J.D. and family who migrated from Columbus, OH to Athens, GA in 2004 to hold a job.

What is the spiritual highlight of your migration?
I have enjoyed being able to blend with the saints there in Athens, to serve in the work of the ministry when asked, serving in children’s meetings, hosting a regular group meeting in our home for over 7 years, meeting with the brothers for breakfast every Saturday, receiving and enjoying the ministry continuously.

Is there anything else you would like to explain or share?
When I was pondering this migration I was encouraged from the Lord very much by the verse where David told the owner of a certain property that he “would not offer burnt offerings that cost him nothing”. This is the reality of migration to me. Migration is an offering of your very self to Him for His move and His spread on the earth, so that other’s might come into His house. Outwardly, migration is inconvenient in many ways, and it is costly with regard to relationships that are left behind, but inwardly it is too glorious. It is good to get a word from the Lord and then go! Don’t hesitate. He will more than meet all you that need.

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