Submitted by: R.S. (Olympia, WA)

A couple of sisters recently started a neighborhood children’s meeting in the park in our locality (which recently was visited for GTCA). We are burdened that the Lord would use this to preserve this next generation for Himself and plants seeds in them for the rest of their life, and also for the sake of the increase by gaining the parents of these children. One mother and daughter, who have been coming to this meeting fairly regularly, were attracted to us in the park on the first day we had the meeting. Two children of local saints’ relatives also participate. (That family also has a regular home meeting to study the Word with them). We always have a snack, story, and song, and usually help the kids also to learn a verse, as well as having a cherishing time getting to know the kids and letting them have time to play together or do an activity. We enjoyed the story yesterday about God making a wife for Adam out of his rib, and joining the two to be one complete unit. (A piece of fruit that was cut in half was used to illustrate the point of two halves becoming one).

We were so happy to have a song to share with the kids from Bellevue Bible Camp songs:

“Let’s be wise, let’s be wise:
One husband, and one wife.
This was God’s intention right from the beginning,
When to Adam He gave Eve.”

We really treasure all the prayer in the Body supporting us in this childrens’ meeting. This was also the first time any of us had started this type of meeting. In spite of not knowing the way to do it and not having much time to give to it, after several months of prayer and fellowship the Lord has raised this up. May He continue to establish and bless all the neighborhood childrens’ meetings throughout the globe, and use it to gain increase for His glory!

4 Responses

  1. Hi sister,
    I’m in the Bay area. I have such a burden dor the children and making them gospel seeds. Unfortunately in my locality there is not much of a way to do this in the church children mtg so I have also been burdened to start a neighborhood children’s mtg. My lesson plan is simple: song, story, snack, craft and I mostly want to teach simple things for their humanity but with a basis in the Bible.
    I’d love to see/share ideas for lessons, etc. I created a Google community to try to see if that could work. If you look it up I can add you. Otherwise I’d love to see if this site could host more for parents who want to share lesson ideas. My feeling is that if its too doctrinal then it becomes like a school and isn’t fun for the kids. We just started to attempt a childrens mtg in our home and I have been posting my lessons and any progress made.
    In Christ

    1. We are burdened also in our new locality to care for the childrens work in this organic way, please add us to your fellowship site.

  2. It is called The Next Generation – Children
    On Google Communities. You can also email me at berniko at gmail if you would like to be added.

    Praise the Lord. Sorry I don’t check this site much so I didn’t see your response.

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