Praise the Lord for the book of Genesis! Praise the Lord for the Life-Study of Genesis!

This week we began this reading program with messages 1 and 2. In message 1, Witness Lee explains how we should approach the Bible, which is the very breath of God (2 Tim. 3:16). Also, the Bible as the Word of God is the Spirit (John 6:63), and the Spirit is God Himself (John 4:24). Therefore, we should approach the Bible to contact God Himself and receive life, instead of merely receiving doctrine and knowledge. To do this, we must exercise our spirit to contact the Lord by prayer when we read the divine Word (Eph. 6:17-18). This should apply to our reading of the Life-study messages as well.

Coming to Genesis, we see that its general sketch is “God created, Satan corrupted, man fell, and Jehovah promised to save” and its central thought is that “Christ is the hope and salvation of fallen man, and God will make fallen man to fulfill His purpose through Christ.”

The rest of message 1 covers God’s original creation including its motive, purpose, basis, means, and process. Then message 2 covers Satan’s rebellion and corruption. In particular it details the origin of Satan and the cause, the purpose, the process and the result of his rebellion. This rebellion caused not only Satan to be judged by God but also the heavens, the earth, the rebellious angels, and the demons to be judged.

There are many wonderful points covered in these 2 messages. We strongly encourage everyone to share their enjoyment or even practice composing a short prophecy using the Comment section below. Even if what you post is short (1-2 sentences), this will help to solidify the truth in you and encourage others. May the Lord bless this study of Genesis in the way of life!

5 Responses

  1. I’m so excited saints to be reading again with you all!

    I really enjoyed Genesis Message 2 Section 6
    “In Revelation 12 we see that the overcomers will execute God’s judgment upon Satan. Moreover, day by day in our homes, when ever we are victorious, our victory is an execution of this judgement.”
    How encouraging saints! Don’t you want to execute God’s judgement on Satan right now? Isn’t this wonderful?!

  2. Genesis doesn’t say anything about Enoch except that he walked with God, & eventually was taken to God…I do hope that I could be such a person, doing nothing & being nothing, just walking with the Lord until the day I’m taken to be with Him. -LS Genesis msg 1

    What a wonderful way to live just being with God and enjoying Him and walking with Him moment by moment.

  3. Satan is the prince of this world, which includes the earth and the air. He has a kingdom which includes fallen angles in the air, demons in the water and the fallen human beings on the earth.

    As we pray in the church to bind the strongman so that many under his rule might be released,
    as we pray in the church and the home meeting (in His Body) to fight for the Lord’s interest that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached, that the Lord’s kingdom may come, we deal a blow to Satan and his kingdom.

    We have been given by the Lord “authority to tread upon the serpent’s and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt” us! (Like 10:19) Praise Him. Let us execute God’s judgment on Satan!

    Even as we get constituted with the truth, every darkness and death in us gets swallowed up because the Word is life and light. Let us be filled with Christ as life through His Word!

    Great to be enjoying the Life Study of Genesis with the saints!

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