Dear saints,

We want to share with you an important and strategic endeavor BfA is undertaking. We hope you take the time to read this e-mail not only to find out about it but also to receive a burden from the Lord.

New book set available!

For the first time ever, we are offering a free two-book set of The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee and The Economy of God by Witness Lee.

Why these books?

Why together?

Why are we sharing this with you?

Your prayers, your going, and your giving are indispensable. The news of the offer must get out extensively so people can benefit from the books. We at Bibles for America can’t do this alone. We need all the saints to bear this burden with us.


Please pray for the spreading of these books throughout the country; specifically pray that:


We urge you to share the news of this free offer with those around you—your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Encourage them to go to to order their free set. We hope the saints will do all they can to tell people about the offer via social media, e-mail, and word of mouth so these books could have as much impact as possible.

We’ve prepared special cards you can use to tell people of the offer. You can order the business-sized offer cards at


To support the carrying out of this burden, you can give online at

We in the churches can testify that we’ve benefited immeasurably from the precious ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. But we shouldn’t be the only ones benefitting. As good stewards, we are required by the Lord to be faithful to feed people with spiritual food. Let us all rise up to serve our Lord Jesus by helping others to know the riches in the all-inheriting ministry we enjoy.

Visit to read more about this new free set from BfA.

In His service,

The staff at Bibles for America

P.S. Please remember that this free offer is for the public only so that we can give away as many as possible. If you or other saints in the Lord’s recovery would like to have either of these books, you can purchase them at

2 Responses

  1. Hallelujah! How wonderful!! Praise the Lord! oh Lord Jesus, do let Your truths and Your word run!

  2. Lord, may those books will reach some open vessels. One brother from Taiwan, who used to live and serve in Russia for many years, met one christian at the train. The trip was long, may be 24 hours or so. He start to talk with this christian and finally got tired, because that person argues with him a lot. At the end, been really tired, our brother gave him as a gift “Normal christian life” book and went to bed. Next morning that second brother knock to his door. He looked totally different: humble and happy. He said that he read this book all night and couldn’t stop. He saw lots of light that he never saw before. He was very thankful.
    Lord, bless all the readers with an open heard.

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