These powerful messages were given by brother Minoru Chen in English with translation to Spanish during the 2013 Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference in Anaheim, California, in January, 2013. The general subject of the conference is Prayer and the Lord’s Move.

Message 1: The Significance of Prayer, the Principle of Prayer, and the Prayer Ministry of the Church

Message 2: Persevering in Prayer

Message 3: A Praying Church in the Unique Stream of the Work of God

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9 Responses

  1. Lord, I make a vow today. I want to join the praying army. Train me, I am willing to fight. Pray not only for myself, but for the Church, for the saints, for the people on the earth, for Your Kingdom. Your Kingdom is my real country, my homeland. I don’t want to be a bystander, waiting to see what will happen. I want to be the one bringing the change, bringing You back. Lord, help me to keep the vow. If I forget, remind me. Make praying my habit. I am convicted to pray. Not by inspiration, but by constantly connected to You in my spirit. Prayers not according to my will, but Your will. Your will be done earth as in the heavens. Amen!

    Thank you for this posting. Thank you for the ministry. The first posting that touched me was brother Minoru’s 24 Practical Points of Prayer. Then I went back to listen to 2012 Thanksgiving conference regarding to Prayer and the Lord’s Move. And finally I heard these messages. I am truly convicted. I need to pray!

    Below is my experience:

    I followed the prayer pattern given in the above mentioned messages. I truly believe, these prayers are working! I am so happy to see, on this whole earth, there are warriors praying! I started praying in this new way at the beginning of this year. I initially had no words to pray. I forgot all past knowledge. I am like a baby. I just eat and drink, and grow! Now everything is so fresh, because of these new prayers. Now I have words to pray! Now I have fresh words, daily delivered, that feed my hunger, and satisfy God! I am just so convicted that at last, I find out why I need to pray, and how to pray. The new prayers are much higher, more enjoyable, and satisfying!! I am so joyful now. My spirit is so happy now. I need to pray. Thank you Lord.

  2. What a joyful feast to connect to the Lord Jesus in simply opening to and calling on HIM in my day and, in that flow His ” business” emerges, I am refreshed and nourished in Him; the Lord delights in the fellowship; moreover,I am not weighed down by the leaden,dead weight of a contrived prayer. The Lord is well able to define and speak HIS will and desire thru us. He is the Beloved Son; we hear Him, Praise the Lord!

  3. Me gusto muchisimo el mensage de la oracion, soy una de esas personas que oranba solo por mis nesecidades, pero hoy en dia no solo oro por Su Voluntad, sino que le enseno a mis hijos espirituales a hacerlo, y oviamente contactandolo en mi espiritu, para recibir Sus Riquezas Espirituales Amen?

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