The dialogue between the local churches and CRI began in 2003 when Hank Hanegraaff, Gretchen Passantino, and Elliot Miller sat down with representatives of Living Stream Ministry (LSM), which publishes the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. In the videos below, Hank describes the extent of the research CRI conducted, “not only in the United States of America, but also in China, in Taiwan South Korea, England,” further stating that “it involved careful evaluation of literally hundreds of books, of papers, of church documents, audio, video recordings, even court documents.”

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2 Responses

  1. I am just a sister in Christ. But I have enjoyed the Lord Jesus under the ministry of Watchmen Nee and Witness Lee for over a decade. I say amen to this open vindication. I am very happy many more brothers and sisters will be able be blessed to come to know and enjoy the Lord in a deeper way.

  2. To know the Living Jesus is to fall utterly in love with Him! I thank the Lord for the ministry that cultivates this relationship from seed to full growth and maturity in Him. O, that all would pursue this! Thanks and praise to God!

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